Chapter 25: The Price I Have to Pay.

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Chapter 25

The Price I Have to Pay.

One's classes started today. He's already in his senior high school uniform. It's kind of feels weird seeing him in those uniforms. I feel like I'm committing grave sin. I laughed with my thoughts.

Our eyes met after he laced his shoes. He smiled as he walked to me then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Goodbye-hug?" he asks me without realizing he's already doing it. I beamed and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Goodbye kiss is better, don't you think?" I asked him. He instantly blushed as he playfully glared at me. I chuckled because of his cute reaction.

"Nah! No thanks," he said, then rolled his eyes heavenward.

"It's weird being cuddly in your uniform," I said, suppressing a peal of laughter as I looked at him with amusement in my expression and eyes.

I am a university student, so in love with this thanked-God adult now in his high school uniform.

He parted himself from me and looked at me with assessing eyes. "Does that make you uncomfortable? Uhm, sorry," he said, quite offended.

My lip curled as I pulled him back to the hug. I can't help but let a smile slide, "of course not!" I replied and kissed his forehead. "It just somehow amuses me," I added. Amuse me that he's finally mine.

"I'm on a legal age. In just a few months, I'll be a university student like you." He reminded me of that fact as if he was defending himself and comforting me simultaneously.

He doesn't need to. It would still be him since I met him, now and in the future.

That reminded me how time flies fast, and I can't wait to spend my remaining university years with him. "I can't wait to go to university with you," I replied. He smiled and said, "You better mean that." playfully.

I bump our heads softly, "Are you now going?" I asked him.

He nodded, then parted himself with me, "And oh! I'll be back late. I have part-time tonight." he let me know, watching him cling his bag on his shoulder.

I gazed at him quite baffled, "Why did you only tell me now?" I asked him.

"They just asked me yesterday night if I can come back today. I went to your room to tell you, but you're fast asleep already." He said with apologetic eyes.

I realized that my tone was quite off. I seemed to be too worked out about it. I gently smiled and rubbed his hair, "I'm not mad. I just thought it's sudden." I explained.

He nodded, with a gleamed. He bid me goodbye and was about to walk when I held his hand, "Let me give you a ride." I insisted.

He wasn't able to refuse when I already softly heaved him out of our dorm.

We're now walking in the corridor, but my eyes keep going back at him and around. "What?" he asked, seemingly to catch it with a wandering expression.

I glanced at our hand, and he was giving me an uncertain expression. "Should I let go? am I making you feel uncomfortable?" I asked him, worried.

I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. I know he's going to say it if he is. However, I still want to ask him in case he's contemplating whether to say it, afraid to offend me, "I understand, One. You can tell me." I added softly and reassured him with a smile.

Silence means 'Yes', I guess, I'm about to let go of his hand, but he withheld, "Do you feel uncomfortable?" he asked me back the same question pinning every word while staring at me, trying to read me.

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