Chapter 24.2: Tonight's Promises.

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Chapter 24

Tonight's Promises

The skies are eaten by calming darkness, revealing and creating a starry night for us.

It looks beautiful than ever, Maybe because we're in a serene place, away from boisterous and crowded cities filled with city lights.

"Jay, Where are we going?" Jungwon asked me, confused. I looked at him even tho he look puzzled. I'm glad he didn't look worried even we're driving in the middle of nowhere on a little cold night. He really trusts me.

I just smiled at him and held his hand. After an hour, we arrived at our destination.

One looks at me very mystified as ever. His eyes are too honest to hide the wandering on them. There's nothing on here but an empty road, street lights, and high grass of dandelions. He must be thinking why I bought him here.

I opened the door for him with a small smile. The wind gently welcomed us, confused he still trusted me, and stepped out of the car.

"Stargazing?" he asked with an inquisitive smile. The place didn't fit, yet it was the most possible reason. What astonished me more is he seemed satisfied and delighted with it. Truly contented with it. I realized more how he's easy to please and simple he was.

The sparkles in his eyes came back, making it looks so animated. It was that catching that despite just street lights lighting us afar, I could see it clearly.

He stared above, perhaps watching the very apparent and notable constellation right now than in the city. The skies are more full of stars and shining more vividly than usual.

I held his hands and slipped every finger on the gap of mine, where it fits perfectly, and it belongs. He stared at me with benign stares hiding a smile behind his lips,

I slowly guided him to the place where I prepared everything for him. He stared at me bewildered when we reached a dead-end of a field of a dandelion bush with a peeking smile.

There's actually no pathway other than taking the path of dandelions bush, Suppressing a peal of laughter and disbelief in his eyes and expression, "Really?" he asks jovially.

I just laughed a little as I shrugged my shoulder. The lights opened as soon as I led him by parting the tall bush of dandelions to give us enough view of the path and dandelions short field. He gasps out of astonishment. He didn't bother to hide as soft laughs came out of his mouth out of amusement.

with the lights I solar lights. He let a snigger out and nodded as he held my hand.

"I thought you were kidding. It feels like we're in some sort of movies," he said and giggled, thrilled... I actually felt relieved. I knew that he would not complain, but I did not expect him to enjoy going through tall dandelions bush this much.

He blew the dandelions, making them fly in the air everywhere. It was a very scenic view. He enjoyed watching them and playing with them, as I enjoyed watching him as we walked through this field on this beautiful night.

"They said dandelions can make your wish come true," he said, looking at me with a honey smile on his lips. The softs winds blew our hair gently, but he managed to look good.

He stopped walking, so I did... I stared at him nothing but with contentment and equanimity.

"What your wish?" I asked him can't help but beam because of the view I have right now. It was a scenario that can only happen in dreams and imagination but is happening in front of me.

Perhaps he was actually better than as he was the will-o'-the-wisp, to begin with.

He glanced at me, then plucked a dandelion. He gave me a heartfelt smile with overflowing pleasure in his eyes before blowing it, and all its seeds flew in the air.

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