7th part

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If the pressure he had felt through the closed door had been powerful, nothing could explain the ton that threw itself unto him as he entered the room the vampire was in. It felt as though the whole castle came crashing down, and he alone had to hold it to make sure it didn't crash into dust.

The immense pressure, the immense presence, showed him that Min Yoongi was no joke. It wasn't someone to mess around with. Yet, Hoseok couldn't help himself from smiling. It had been a while since he had had a real challenge and he could feel the excitement of it prickle at his skin.

"I am here fucker." He stated loudly, feeling his smirk widen when saw the vampire who was casually leaned against one of the stone walls, in the opposite end of the room. His arms were crossed, eyes closed and one of his legs was bent out behind him and rested on the wall as well. The room wasn't as dark today. The sun was shining in through a window in the end opposite side of the room. Hoseok assumed it had been covered the last time. The rising sun lit up the the vampire's pale skin with an orange glow.

"I know," he said, sounding very much unimpressed. His voice was rough and horse as he spoke, signaling the lack of use. Typical vampire, Hoseok thought. Blood didn't exactly clear your throat.

"I could smell you from the second you stepped foot on my property. This whole thing took you long enough by the way." He added, finally opening his eyes, and standing up, reliving the wall behind him. "All the unnecessary things you humans do." He tsked, dark eyes aimed at the slayer with spite.

"Well in contradiction to yourself," Hoseok said. "Humans have hearts and care for each other." The vampire seemed to take no mind to the negatively charged comment, only gave the slayer an unimpressed look before he proceeded to nonchalantly clean underneath his fingernails. "So, you're done? Are you going to finally leave so I can sleep without the terrible smell of mortality interfering?" He asked, not looking up.

Hoseok's hand clenched around his knife. "Seriously?" He stared at the vampire with a look that most definitely would have killed him if he were mortal.

"That's all? You kill half a village, let me, the only one you did not kill, clean up their bodies, you are doing everything in the vampire handbook wrong, and all you want to do about it....is sleep?" Vampires didn't even need sleep unless they were at the verge of dying!

"Look Mr. slayer." Yoongi sighed and finally looked away from his fingernails. "I do not care about you, about what you do or how you do it. I don't even care if you do it on my property, as long as it does not interfere with my business. And this is the second time," he held up to clawed fingers, as if the other man was a toddler who couldn't count. "In less than twenty-four hours, where you interfere with my business. My patience is running out." Hoseok scoffed, lips twitching downwards.

"As if I care about your business." he refuted. The vampire looked unamused.

"I am here on a mission to kill you and free this village from your reigns." Yoongi yawned, he fucking yawned!

"Fine." Still sounding very much unimpressed. "As long as it happens before midday. That's the time when I sleep the best."

"I don't get you!" The slayer yelled impatiently. He honestly wanted to scream out loud and ask the stupid vampire why he was suddenly going to act like he was different from every other vampire Hoseok had met (and killed). He wanted to, but he knew he couldn't. There was no way he could afford to let his guard down. Not now. Not with the vampire smirking at him from where he stood across from him in the unknown fortress. Meanwhile, as infuriating as was, the other seemed to have no problem letting his guard down, instead he seemed as calm and collected as ever before.

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