The Beginning

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"Hello?" Hoseok said when he picked up his phone after the rings had filled the empty air around him. He saw the faint silhouette of a demon dog come running towards him from in between the flooded trees in the forest, it's claws out, and mouth wide open, ready to kill the beast slayer that had interrupted his sleep.

"Jung Hoseok?" A female voice on the other end of the phone asked.

"Yes, that's me." Hoseok replied, and easily dodged the demon that came jumping at him.

"We have an interesting mission for you." The female voice continued. Hoseok sprinted after the beast while clenching his fist tightly around the silver dagger with the words "Acuti Sanguis" engraved into it. It was a knife he had gotten from his older brother before he passed away. It was given to him with the sincere words: "It was meant for the sons of our father, if I can't have it then it's yours now Jung Hoseok, don't ever, let this dagger get into the wrong hands." They were the last words his brother said, his dying message.

"Oh, really? What kind of job would that be?" Hoseok asked, his voice suggestive as he spoke the words. His fast sprint had enabled him to catch up to the beast, and now he jumped after it, pinning it down on the earthy ground with ease.

"The vampire lord Min Yoongi." The beast slayer snickered at the words, it didn't sound that interesting. So he ignored the high pitched voice from the phone and focused on his work instead. He led his knife towards the demon dog's throat and smiled evilly when the demon emitted a loud whimper, as the cold metal grazed his dry skin.

"And why should I bother killing this so-called 'vampire lord' of yours?" Hoseok asked after a while, trailing the dagger over the beast's veiny neck.

"Please." The woman spoke. "He has been bothering us for years now. Every night he comes to our town and sucks one of our citizens' blood. The after effects of the blood sucking leads them to being sick for weeks." She continued, she was almost crying by now. Hoseok made a small cut over the dog's Adam's apple, and once again a loud whimper filled the empty forest.

"That's not what I asked sweetie. Why should I personally bother? There are many slayers out there dear, and it needs to be good, for you to request the best." He said and could clearly hear the frustration grow in the woman's voice. Yet another town which wanted to be freed from the burdens of a beast. Hoseok sighed, the boring requests were way too frequent.

"We have tried many others, but none of the ones we have sent in, have killed him. He only drained all of their blood and we would have their dead bodies laying in a random porch the day after." She told with a sigh.

"Oh really? Now that sounds interesting sweetie, you should have said that from the start." The beast slayer said while staring the beast under him in the eyes. He saw the fear in the beast's eyes and chuckled as he took a final trail of the dagger over the dog's throat, then he pushed it down with all his might, cutting it open. The black blood from the demon dog spluttered out and colored the smiling slayer's white shirt.

"Sure, I'll take the job." He said, and when the woman on the other side hung up, he put the dagger back into the sheath in his pocket.

"What a boring kill." He sighed and looked at the beast. His head was halfway attached to his body, the rest of it had faced the wrath of Hoseok's knife, and was now an open wound. The creature's black blood covered his entire lifeless frame.

"Hopefully this Min Yoongi will be more enjoyable." He said before he walked away. Leaving the dead beast to rot in the dark forest.

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