5th part

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The old man he had been talking to that night he had been drunk was standing in front of him. The same silly smirk on his wrinkly face as he had had when they had suggested a drink off.

Oddly enough he was laughing. Laughing to the point where his eyes were fully closed and every wrinkle on his face deepened. What exactly it was that had made the old man laugh like this, in an almost maddening fashion, Hoseok couldn't say. The ringing laughter lasted for a long time and Hoseok only watched and listened and it kept going. Suddenly the laughter intensified to a point that almost made the slayer flinch, and the elder's friendly face started twisting in a strange manner. At first it seemed like the smile was growing even further on his face, but it had twisted too far, his crinkling eyes were starting to move up on his forehead and his upwards pointed lips were literally reaching to his ears. The face had twisted into becoming something completely different than the face Hoseok could recognize. Before he could get a proper look at exactly what it was the friendly face had twisted into though, a bright flash of white overtook his vision, forcing him to close his eyes and turn his head away.

"Open your eyes boy." A voice spoke. A deep, commanding voice that was echoing through the white rays. "Open your eyes!" It shouted again, making the beast slayer's ears ring as an echo of the words filled his mind. "Open them and look. Look at what you have done!" It spoke, even more demanding this time. Finally Hoseok was able to force his eyes to face the light, and he opened them and looked at the terrible scene unfolding in front of his eyes.

There he saw Min Yoongi, the vampire that should've been long dead by his hands, raging around in his own castle, a maniacal look in his white tinted eyes. Hoseok saw the dark mist clouds disappear and reappear over and over as the vampire teleported through his castle and for every time his body was formed from the mist, his claws sliced a human throat.

The sight was gruesome, watching the villagers that he had vowed to protect have their throats sliced open, loud, short screams filling the air as they desperately clawed at their own necks, trying to stop the rapid bleeding pulsing out from their necks. It was horrible, that in the spawn of a minute they were all dead, and the last human was trying to draw her final breath through her ripped open flesh. Hoseok couldn't watch it anymore, he had been trained to be strong in every situation and he usually was, but witnessing a hundred deaths that he knew could've been prevented flashing past him, was too much. It was too cruel of the world and of the voice to demand him to witness such a sight.

"You see what you have done." The same voice from before spoke up as Hoseok snapped his head back towards the source of it. The bright white light had still not subdued and it took his eyes a while to get used to it. Slowly, but surly the image of a face appeared again. It didn't look as twisted as it had before, the proportions were normal, but still different from those of the old man. He looked into the dark brown eyes of the face, the proportions somehow looked familiar, almost like the answer would be somewhere in a suppressed memory in his mind. He took the features in, a sharp nose and jaw, but with rounded cheeks and soft eyes. The light stopped shining after a while and as the face became more clear, Hoseok would rather want to look back at the limp bodies with pooling rivers of blood growing beneath them. Because the eyes that stared back at his own, were the all too familiar eyes of his father. His father who was looking back at him with a "disappointed father" expression. He had always hated it when he looked at him like that. Like he had done when Hoseok had failed his math quizzes, when he had failed the beats slaying test and for the first time the very day he was born. He remembers when he was twelve and his father had said that he had shunned him as a child because he looked too much like a girl.

His father was never supposed to show him that face again, because he had grown up to prove him wrong. He had become more masculine, he had aced his math exam that same year, he was the world's youngest certified beats slayer and most of all he wasn't supposed to see it again, because his father was dead. He had disappeared from the world's surface, so why was he here in front of him, showing off that face again?

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