3rd part

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The following day, Hoseok was met by a colorful sunrise, a clear, blue sky and a huge surprise.

"I did what!?" he asked Bongcha who was standing at the very front of the huge crowd that had assembled in front of the hotel he had been sleeping in.

"This gentleman, came to my house late last night, telling me that he had spoken to you and gotten you to change your mind about our army." The female soldier told. Proud smiles spread through the gathered assembly at her words.

"No, no I would've remembered if..." The slayer stopped in his tracks, because when he thought about it, he couldn't actually remember much of what had happened the evening prior. He sighed, rubbing his temple while looking at the people in the crowd in front of the hotel. The amount of villagers that was in front of him, could equal to the amount they would need to make a whole new village.  It was a mixed army of men and women, old and young, tall and short, all willing to risk their life fighting a vampire. Hoseok had to admit that it was brave, but the main problem was: bravery wouldn't kill the vampire.

Even though he could applaud their effort, he still didn't want, nor need an army.

He also didn't want to risk their lives on his mission. A loud sigh left him.

The worst part of this was that he couldn't actually remember the event the man was talking about. He felt his brows arch as he was trying to recall the events that the man had mentioned.

He could remember entering the small, broken down building after he had denied Bongcha's request. He remembered the building too, not only from yesterday, but from a time when he had stayed there as a young child. It looked very different from that time though. Now it had a sign with faded letters that he could barely make out. Sometime in a close past, the sign had been new, red letters proudly showing the growth of the village. The village seemed to have aged a hundred years in under twenty. That was absolutely a toll that could come from being a vampire monitored village. Insanity, desperation and aging that would even affect the buildings and nature around the influenced area.

"Room for one night" he mumbled when he had reached the check in counter, still studying the building around him. He took a pouch full of gold coins out from his pocket, handing the disheveled man behind the check-in-desk two of them with a nod, before he took his room key.

The hotel was no different on the outside than it was on the inside. Broken down. Seemingly ready to combust at any minute. The walls that he could faintly recall to have had previously been colored by a royal blue color, were now faded into a brown. Full of holes and frequent patches of mold had made their way into the interior. Hoseok sighed, he was way too used to seeing things break down, yet he still thought it was bitter. How it could ruin not only a building like this, but also the people surrounding it, who were once filled with joy.

He continued walking to his room, carefully observing what the once most famous hotel in the region had turned into. There were multiple deep scratch marks on the floor and walls in his room. Hoseok stroked a hand over one of the marks. From what he could tell from the depth and legth of the cuts, it couldn't have been anything, other than:

"A vampire," he, whispered, clenching his fist against the wall.

"Min Yoongi was it?" He questioned, slumping down on the small, blood stained bed in the corner of the room.

He understood by how low the village had sunk, just how much of a challenge that was ahead of him. The vampire had to be both powerful and cunning to be able to crush a that well-off society to oblivion.

A deep yawn sounded through the room. How long had it been it now? He wondered. Three days? Three days since he had last slept. The slayer closed his dry eyes, adjusting his position on the bed, and almost instantly fell asleep when his heavy head hit the pillow.

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