10th part

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Slight author's note sorry: This chapter was actually supposed to cover more, but it started getting pretty long and it has been a while since I updated so I decided to just publish it. I am very happy that I actually feel like I know what is going to happen in the future of this story now, something I have struggled with a lot before. Now, when I actually have most of the story planned, it really makes it so much more enjoyable. I really hope you like what I have come up with as well, both for this chapter and the future ones.

Because I have a more clear view of the cohesive story I have made some changes in a previous chapter. Nothing major, but for those of you who haven't seen them: I aged up Hoseok, he is now 21 and the ages of vampires and when they get the different titles have decreased, because they were a little too extreme in my opinion.

Spoiler alert, but possible tw, read with caution: I included a deaf character in this chapter. I don't know too much about how it is to be deaf, but I am not confident my portrayal is very accurate. I honestly know that part of it is inaccurate and wrong. Feel free to educate me in the comments. I will say though, I did some research and kind of know that part of it is illogical, but keep in mind that this is fiction and an alternative universe with alternative medicine and treatment. Please take note that what is possible in this story is not necessarily possible in real life.


The journey back to headquarters took two days on foot, it would have been three if he had decided to sleep through the night. Hoseok had decided not to. He hadn't exactly been eager to go back, however he had also been aware that he was very far behind schedule. Technically he should have already finished his report a while ago. His supervisor was strict with deadlines, even stricter with failure and he had carried the burdens of both instances on his shoulders as he had paved his way forward.

The faster he made it back, the less angry she would be. At least that's what he hoped. If he could make it back before dawn, his ass would hopefully be saved from the worst of her screaming session. Luckily, he had encountered few obstacles on his way, and had been able to get back faster than expected. He had, for a portion of his walk, been accompanied by the bright moonlight that had shone from above him. The moon had been small and he knew that its cycle would soon strip the earth of it's light, and thus it would not be able to join other travelers in their silent, lonely journeys. He had been grateful he had not caught it on that day. Its company was always appreciated.

The moon had almost risen to the middle of the sky when he finally made out the small white, wooden building that was their headquarters. It reminded much of the village he had just escaped from, like it was one blow away from caving in. It was still the closest thing he had to calling a home though, despite its dilapidated state, he felt a slight twinge of comfort at the sight of it.

"I'm back." He announced half heartedly into the darkness of the hallway when he entered. He knew who was going to meet him and she would not be happy.

"I can see that." A sny voice said from next to him, making him jump. It was usually difficult to catch him off guard, but he was at the base now. Plus, he was fucking tired, so sue him for letting his guard down when he just wanted to lay down in his bed and sleep for twenty hours.

"Fucking...shit Nathalia!" He swore at her and pressed the light switch next to her arm. She was grinning at him, her arms folded strictly over her chest.

"Told you I would catch you off guard one of these days." She remarked, clearly overly content with herself. He grunted in response.

She was a tall woman, taller than him by a little and even more so when she wore her usual pair of heels. She came as an exchange worker from an out of country base due to their lack of people, but had ended up staying. Like any other day she was sporting a black fitted suit. Hoseok swore that her infinite number of suits was where their entire government budget was spent. He had never seen the woman wear anything less formal than suit pants and a dress shirt. As always, her long, naturally blonde hair was tied back in a high ponytail, not a single strand falling uncontrolled down her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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