9th part

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Hoseok opened his eyes slowly, confused when he found himself looking up at a sun lit stone ceiling. He blinked, feeling his brows furrow in bewilderment. This was weird. Somehow he could not remember falling asleep, let alone what had happened before it.

He sat up in the bed he had been placed in, body feeling heavy and head pounding. His vision was blurry and he was blinking hard at the overly bright sunlight pouring into the room. At the same time, his brain was trying its best to connect the dots, to try to figure out where he was. It felt like every muscle in his body was sore, and achy. His body was telling him the best thing would be to just ignore this weird occurrence and just go back to bed. His body and instincts had helped him out before, but right now he chose to listen to logic instead. Something was definitely not right.

As the dark spots in his vision slowly faded, he could eventually make out a frame standing in the corner of the room. A short, pale man leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. The realization of who this was made him flinch hard, his confusion instantly disappeared as his senses went into high gear.

He felt his face scrunch into a frown as he looked at the vampire. The remaining dots quickly connected in his head.

"You helped me?" He asked. There was no other explanation. Last time he checked he had been bleeding to death. Now he was somehow fine and resting comfortably on the bed of the man he had just tried to kill. When he realized this, the menacing form of the infamous Min Yoongi, suddenly didn't seem as intimidating to him anymore.

"Don't get used to it." The vampire snarled, approaching him from the shadows. "It is by no means 'out of the goodness of my heart.' I don't care about you, but you can be beneficial to me." He continued. "You are a hunter. Which means you are required to write a report on this incident, right?"

"Yeah....?" Hoseok replied reluctantly. It was obvious that the vampire had some kind of plan, but he didn't understand how a powerful vampire like Yoongi could possibly benefit from a small report to his supervisor.

"What?" He asked in response to the slayer's stare. "Do you think I kill just for the fun of it?" He asked. Well yes, Hoseok thought to himself. He did think so. It certainly seemed like he enjoyed it.

"Well, I don't!" The vampire growled angrily in response. Almost like he had heard the thoughts in his head. Then again, maybe he had. It was never easy to know which powers these monsters had.

"All I am asking in return for saving your life, is for you to do your job well and write a good and detailed report that will bring more fear to my name. It sounds like a good deal if you ask me. I would even say it's in your favor."

"Why?" The slayer asked. "Why is a small report worth so much to you?"

The vampire scoffed. "You really know nothing about vampires do you?" .

"I want it because fear means avoidance." He explained as he paced over the floor. He stopped close to where Hoseok was and gestured with his fist in a powerful swoop.

"Fear means fewer hunters will come here, and less of my precious time will be wasted entertaining them. Honestly, what is the point of eternal life if you can't even do what you want?" The vampire clicked his tongue, no longer looking at the other. Instead he was staring at the shrinking shadow in the corner of the room with a distant look in his eyes.

"Anyway...." Yoongi said after a while, pulling himself back to reality, eyes focusing on Hoseok again. "You need to get out of this castle already. Your blood is making this place reek with life. It's disgusting." He said, trying to shoo him out.

"Why should I listen to you?" Hoseok mocked. He was planning on leaving as soon as possible either way, but there were still many questions he would like answered. The chance of a one on one talk to a vampire like this might never come again. He also couldn't deny that he enjoyed arguing with the vampire. It was a nice change to not have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings. He tended to accidentally do that.

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