2nd part

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Hoseok looked at his phone and saw the information for the mission that the woman had sent him: Sol convallis. Located in a valley at the border between the western and northern region. Request should be completed within 48 hours. Hoseok sighed at the information. Sol convallis, why there out of all places? It was a small village which held many memories, it was a village that he had never expected himself going back to.

He remembered the last time he was there. He had been a child at that time and had been there together with his older brother and father. They had come do him to complete the final test he needed was going to get his certificate as a slayer.

A six eyed lizard, that was what he was going to kill before he could be deemed the youngest slayer in history. His father had claimed the task to be too easy and demanded a more advanced beast. Of course if the court had listened to his demands they would not only be breaking the official rules, but Hoseok would probably have been dead. Why? Because he couldn't kill the lizard that day, he had been too scared.

Hoseok snickered at the memory. If his seven year old self knew that he, thirteen years later, would be one of the strongest beast slayers in the country and killed not only six, but twelve eyed lizards in the blink of an eye, he would probably be trembling in fear. He hated that part about his younger self, he was strong, but he was a coward. In one way he was thankful that his father had been killed before his eyes, it had been horrific, and it would forever leave a deep scar in his memory, but it killed all fear he had and made an unbreakable iron shield around his heart. He was never the same after his last visit to sol convallis. It had made it easy to finally pass the test when he was fourteen. He had been ready before that, but after a failed test one had to wait five years to reapply. When the five years had finally passed, his brother had fallen sick and when the only person left who cared for him passed, it made it easier to never fear. Which is why he finally at fourteen, had gotten the license and he had killed more beats than he could count since then and gained a lot of reputation. A man who had nothing to lose had no issues with risking it all. That quickly led to success and reputation.

"A vampire lord". Hoseok mumbled as he wrote down the coordinates to his destination on a GPS. Tasks like these were never easy, even for someone as powerful as him. Vampires were known for their immortality and knowledge in everything. It wasn't strange considering all the years they had spent reading, experiencing and fighting beasts slayers. Vampire lords were vampires that had lived over five hundred years. Five hundred years of experience compared to Hoseok's twenty one.

Yet, even after knowing all of this, Hoseok did not even bat an eye at the request. He had killed vampire masters before, the hundred years of vampire lords, was nothing in comparison to the masters' thousand.

'Sol convallis: 50 miles from current location.' The GPS read. "50 miles, that means 12 hours to walk." He noted and took the dagger out of the sheath in his pocket.

"I've got plenty of time then." He told himself with a slight smile while studying the knife. The carved writing was almost unreadable now, as it had been covered by blood. "That bastard dog. Bleeding so much." Hoseok grumbled with a sigh. "Oh, well." He said as he pulled out a bottle of holy water and sat down on a nearby rock, then he started rinsing the dagger from the black demon blood.


Approximately 12 hours later, he had arrived at the village. It was nothing like he remembered it from ten years ago. Back then the small village had multiple children, both boys and girls, playing in the streets, happy smiles forming on their faces as they were together running in the slight summer breeze. Hoseok remembered how envious he had been, he had always wanted a normal childhood, instead of spending hours upon hours training to an extent that no child should ever reach.</p>

<p>Now there was nothing to be envious of. There were no children, no people at all. The adults that had been smiling and trading vegetables on the marked were long gone. Replaced by empty, dark streets and broken down houses. The small wooden buildings didn't seem like they could stand for another blow of even the faintest wind. At the end of the village and on top of a hill, he saw the reason why the happy place had turned bitter.

A castle. A big castle that was made out of different sized rocks. It had a view that could observe every little thing going on in the small town beneath it. Hoseok understood why the people were hiding. They didn't want to be observed. They didn't want to be the vampire's live entertainment.
Hoseok sighed, he did not regret taking this mission. He might have an iron heart, but he didn't want the children and the village to be broken down. Especially not by something he could kill in a matter of minutes.

"Are you Jung Hoseok?" A female voice spoke up behind him.

<p>Hoseok turned around to the sound of the familiar voice, eyes studying the figure that met him. It was a tall girl with pale skin and short dark brown hair. Her rosy cheeks were accompanied by a deep scar. She looked young and could not possibly be much older than Hoseok himself, yet her eyes were dark. They were clearly holding onto years of seeing her closest break down, watching them lose to a power higher than themselves, a power that they had no control of.

"Yes, that's me. And who are you?" He questioned back, still eying the girl who was wearing military pants, boots, a tank top and was holding a loaded revolver in her left hand.

"My name is  Choi Bongcha. I am the one who requested you services, sir." She answered, straightened her back, closed her legs, making the sound of her leather boots fill the deserted village, her hand made its way up to her forehead. "At your service Jung Hoseok." She exclaimed as she threw her salute.

"At my service? What are you talking about?" he asked, eyeing the girl as she shifted her position back to the one she had had before. "I am the leader of the army that will join you in the battle against the vampire lord." That definitely made the beast slayer's eyes open wide. He had never fought with an army, and he was not planning on letting this be the first time. "I fight alone and I am not going to let an inexperienced army drag me down." He said through his gritted teeth, it annoyed him, that people always thought his job was so easy.

Just because someone knew how to handle a gun, it didn't mean that they automatically knew how to fight a beast. "Our army is well prepared, and is full of both volunteers and well trained military. They all want to dispose of the threat and they are all willing to die trying. It doesn't matter wh..."

"It's not that easy!" The slayer cut her off, a vein popping out on his forehead.

"You know nothing!" He spat, closing up to the girl, who did nothing as he pointed his finger to her face. "You might think you know everything about fighting a vampire, but you know nothing." He growled.

"Guns are useless. I know that." She sighed back, stretching the arm with the revolver out toward Hoseok only to drop it on the ground. "We have prepared garlic, wooden stakes and bottles of holy water." She told, closing the distance between the two even more.

The beast slayer laughed at that, his airy, mocking laugh surrounding the two frames. He laughed for a while. The woman looking progressively more annoyed as he kept laughing.

"What is so funny Jung?" She asked him with a growl. Instead of answering the serious question with the same mood though, he just continued laughing as he answered her question.

"Garlic and wooden stakes? We live in the real world, not a fairy tale. Those things can't kill vampires, they are just simple rumors, stories." He told, quieting down his laugh a bit.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, purified silver and holy water are the only things that kill vampires. Also the sunlight that is said to burn their skin to ashes, just weakens them." He continued, now finally moving away from the girl and picking her gun up from the ground beneath them. 

"You dropped this." He told before he threw the gun back to its rightful owner while walking into the building behind her. 

"I'm doing this alone or you're gonna have to pay me double to babysit your so-called army." His words were met by an angry, yet amused huff from the girl.

She watched him with squinted eyes as his frame was slowly consumed by the big, broken down building. It had a sign with faded letters that could barely be made out to say 'motel'. She sighed, that motel had once been one of the many prides of their village, not anymore.

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