6th part

496 41 13

Hoseok woke up again the next day to a room that was eerily quiet. None of the annoying beer tapping form the previous night, no talking or shouting from the market below his window, no laughter, no signs of life what so ever. Only silence.

With a deep exhale, Hoseok shifted on the bed so that he was seated on the mattress. In the unwelcome quietness that surrounded him, he thought about the mission. He had already told himself that he had failed. After all Min Yoongi was still alive and now he had more control over the village than ever before. Hoseok sighed, hands grabbing at his hair in frustration. He knew that technically, his 48 hours weren't up. He hadn't officially failed his mission yet, even though he had mentally cancelled it. Mentally refused to put more lives at risk in the mercy of the smug vampire.

Due to the mission not being officially over, this meant that his supervisor didn't know of his failure of execution yet. And considering she didn't know, he could do what he pleased until she did. When that time did come though, he knew that she would most likely send him back to HQ right away to scold him. There was still another 20 hours till she would get that notification, and until he would have no choice, but to give up and retreat.
In other words, Hoseok still had 20 hours to make sure that the village got its justice. The slayer deemed that to be more than enough time to murder the living heck out of this vampire.

He stood up, determination in his eyes. Still the newfound resolution didn't stop another deep sigh from leaving his lips. He sighed because no matter what, this wasn't a happy situation. It was not a time to celebrate. This wasn't like the other cases where he had been rowdy and put his own life at unnecessary risk. This time lives had actually gotten lost, not his own life, not ones that his supervisor would care about personally, but innocent lives that fought for a common freedom. The realization hadn't caught up to him fully yet. Like it had all been just an oddly real dream and that the silence was only present because they were all still sleeping in the early morning.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

He knew their company would get a lot of companits on this. He could already see the headlines blaring at him: the mass murder of a whole village under their protection.

Reputation meant a lot in their field, but not everything. It never meant everything, and compared to the situation at hand, keeping a good image wasn't even something to consider. Either way, it wasn't like this would be the first time it happened that they made mistakes that lead to decrease in missions. He would admit though, it was most definitely the worst case, and it would take much of both time and effort to make up for it. Every other time when they had made mistakes had been the same, they would get complaints, the complaints would further lead to less missions and then to less money. Hoseok knew the drill and knew that his supervisor would remind him time and time again about his responsibilities as a slayer. And though he knew, Hoseok couldn't refrain from not really giving a shit. That much he owed the village.

Going against his supervisor wasn't something he cared too much for anyway.  He knew she didn't have the authority to kick him out or fire him. No one had. Their company was one that the government had created to try to strengthen the decreasing beast slaying community. The only reason why one of them had the role as supervisor was because the government had told them the roles they needed to distribute throughout their team. To him and the three other task slayers in their quad, 'supervisor' only meant doing all the boring paperwork and looking for possible scam missions. She would be notified of Hoseok accepting a mission and finishing or failing a mission, that was it and that's exactly how he liked it. To be able to do his thing and roam freely with as little control and input from others as possible.

Supervisor was the role that was in control behind the scenes. She would be notified when the missions weren't complete within the assigned time, but she would get no response of how they had failed whatsoever. Not until the government sent her the full details, and usually that process took a while. Whilst she took charge of  the waiting and assigning, Hoseok and the other slayers took control in the field and in the missions. The waiting and the reports were not for them.

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