8th Part

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The slayer let himself collapse onto his back next to the vampire. He was heaving, one hand holding the profusely bleeding stab wound. Despite the shooting pain, he had a smile on his face. The sun in the sky above him was shining brightly, warming his cold body. He turned his head to the side where Yoongi laid, staring at the closed eyes of the vampire. While living vampires were simply weakened in the sun, a dead vampire would turn to dust he had learned back at the academy.  Yoongi's black hair blew slightly in the mild breeze, but there were no signs of the other turning to dust.

Then again, Hoseok supposed he didn't really know how long it would take. Sure, he had killed vampires before, but most of the time they fought inside buildings and he had never fought a vampire in the middle of the day before. This realization made him think. Why exactly did Yoongi want to fight him during the day? It would only lead to his disadvantage and the slayer did by no means think that the vampire wished to die. Rather he had seemed quite adamant on the contrary. He huffed. Why could he not get a grasp on Min Yoongi? Why had he been different from all the other vampires he had fought?

He didn't know how much time he spent like that, laying under the hot sun and waiting for the vampire to dissolve, to disappear so he could finally get a peace of mind. So he could finally say that his mission was accomplished and proudly tell the villagers that Min Yoongi would no longer bother them. Hoseok sighed loudly, and tried his best to sit up despite his injured state. There was no time to sit around and count clouds. He needed to get medical treatment as soon as possible as well as write a report on the vampire's defeat.

It was much more of a struggle to sit up than it should have been. His eyes were forced shut as he winced. Before he was able to fully haul his body back up from the stone bridge, an odd sound echoed in the air. It sounded almost like someone was blowing air through a horn. It was probably some kind of mourning ceremony from the village. His eyes traveled over to where the heaps of the dead bodies laid, a little sting of guilt went through him, but he quickly dismissed it with a shake of his head. He had warned them after all. At the sound of another horn blow, he turned his head  around to look towards the village, but suddenly his body was forced back towards the rocky bridge by none other than Min Yoongi himself. Hoseok felt the air being pushed out of him as he hit the bridge. "Why the fuck are you alive?" He coughed harshly when his breath came back. Every muscle in his body was tensed in defense, trying their best to pry the vampire off his frame. Min Yoongi, despite having pushed the slayer only a few seconds prior, did  not have his eyes on the slayer, and was instead staring fanatically into the horizon behind the village. He looked beat, skin even paler than usual and a layer of sweat and blood covering his forehead and gluing his hair to it. Hoseok smirked contently when a drop of fresh blood from the vampire's wound landed on his cheek.

"Shit." He heard the vampire whisper, before the he suddenly let go of his frame only to grab a hold around his wrist instead.  "What the fuck are you doing?!" Hoseok asked angrily, a new coughing fit erupting afterwards. Fuck, he was in no shape to be dragged along by this vampire. There was a taste of blood in his mouth. Fuck.

Why? Why was this happening? Why was Yoongi alive? This bitch was supposed to be dead, yet there he was, somehow with enough energy left to push and drag the slayer along. "Shut up." The vampire said lowly, eyes shifting between the castle in front of them to the village behind them as he dragged the slayer by his wrist.

"Shut up?" Hoseok scoffed angrily, weakly tugging at the pale hand around his own. "Why are you doing this? If you are going to kill me just fucking get it over with." He knew he was ranting, but he was annoyed, confused and injured. He couldn't afford to wait much longer to get medical treatment and he most certainly knew that he had no chance of beating Yoongi in his current state. The vampire eyed him angrily at his loud outburst, and the hold on his wrist became even tighter. "Please, be quiet." The vampire said, dark eyes staring into Hoseok's own with a bit of a desperate look to them.

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