Chapter 21

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Denim's POV

"Jaye? You in here?" I called as I entered the public bathroom. She'd been missing from the table for quite some time and even though Calum wouldn't admit it, he was getting kind of anxious. I was pretty worried too so I took it upon myself to do what best friends do and go and look for her.

"Uh... Yeah," came her shaky reply, a clear indication that she wasn't okay.

I turned to the only closed stall, and asked, "Want me to come in?"

"No!" she said somewhat loudly and I got a bit of a fright. "I mean... I'm just feeling a little sick, I'll be out soon, don't worry. Get back to the table."

"Are you sure? You don't sound good. I could hold your hair back for you if you're throwing up?" I suggested hopefully. I kind of felt like she's been shutting me out lately, and I didn't like being shut out.

"Really, Denim, I'm fine. Just go."

I sighed. So much for trying. I mumbled a 'fine' and made my way back to our table where Calum and Michael were laughing hysterically at something only they would find


. When I sat down, Calum turned to me.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know. She sounds a little sick, but she wouldn't let me help her," I shrugged. "Luke's still not back?"

"Nope, he probably can't find it," he said, referring to Luke leaving just after Jaye did to look for his phone in our room upstairs.

Just then our food arrived, and so did Luke.

"You find it?"

"Yeah, it's in my pocket," he answered vaguely. He quickly scanned the table and then asked, "Where's Jaye?"

"She's in the bathroom, she's not feeling too well."

"Shouldn't you go check up on her?"

"I did and she said she'd be out soon," I shrugged, trying to show that it really didn't matter that she didn't need my help, even though it mattered a lot. We'd been best friends for so long and lately we hadn't been spending much time together and we'd been arguing as well. I needed to set things straight with her, because after all this was over, she'd be all I had left.

So, without saying a word, I got up and retraced my steps to the bathroom. She was just exiting as I walked in, and we almost bumped into each other. I pulled her back inside and said, "We need to talk."

"Are you breaking up with me, Denim?" she gasped with mock surprise.

"I'm afraid so, Jaye," I said, feigning despair. "For, you see, we've not been travelling on the same boat as of late."

"Then tell me how we get back onto the same one again. For if we don't, I'm afraid that I shall faint and then die without the warmth of your friendship to keep me company in my last days," she answered in a pretty well practiced British accent, straight-faced and serious.

And then we burst out into laughter.

"But seriously, we do need to talk, Jaye," I said as we sat down on one of the couches in the corner of the room.

"Yeah," she sighed, "I agree."

"We just... haven't been spending time together and you haven't told me how things are going between you and Calum, and I just miss our dependence on one another."

"I know, me too. Everything's just been so hectic with all the drama with the media and I promise we'll work on this, Denim," she smiled and then pulled me into a bear hug.

"Just please don't throw up on me," I said which made her laugh and hug me tighter.

And then I realised that she smelled like a guy. More specifically, she smelled like Luke. I was sure of it - he'd hugged me straight after he applied his cologne before we came down to dinner.

Why did Jaye smell like Luke?

Calum's POV

"Hi! Can I get a picture of you guys please?" some overly excited guy who looked as if he was bordering pedophilia asked as he very bravely made his way to our table.

The girls were still not back, so the four of us scooted closer for a picture after Ashton very enthusiastically agreed to it. The weird guy left after almost crying from gratitude and we resumed with our dinner.

I was really worried that Jaye was either dying or dead, and just when I made the decision to check up on her myself, Jaye and Denim came walking back. Jaye sat down next to me, looking a bit paler than usual.

"You okay?" I whispered, taking her hand under the table.

"Yeah," she smiled back. "But I think I'm just gonna head back to the room for now."

"What? You're not gonna eat anything?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Okay, want me to come with you?"

She squeezed my hand before letting go and standing up. Whether that was a yes or no in answer to my question, I'd never know. But I got up as well and said, "We're gonna go off to our room. You guys have a good night."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Michael winked at us.

"And what exactly wouldn't you do, Michael?" Jaye asked, rolling her eyes.

Michael just laughed and everyone said their goodnights and Jaye and I were in the elevator leading up to our room.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked her as soon as we were back in our room. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was standing in front of the mirror, removing her earrings and other jewellery.

She walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders, an action that sent multiple electric currents down my spine and that's when I knew that she had me, and there was no going back. I couldn't stop myself from putting my hands on her waist, and pulling her closer to me.

"I'm fine, really," she smiled, placed a quick kiss on my cheek and then went to the bathroom.

I felt her absence immediately, the shift in the composition of the air that surrounded me, and it wasn't a good feeling. I ran my fingers through my hair, took a deep breath, and then changed out of my clothes into more comfortable ones I could sleep in.

About fifteen minutes later while I was scrolling through Instagram, she came out of the bathroom, hair damp, no make-up, and wearing my sweater.

She saw me eyeing it and explained, "I'm sorry, it's just I forgot to take a change of clothes with me and this was there and I didn't think you'd mind and I -"

I cut her off with a kiss.

Sometime between her exiting the bathroom and me seeing her in my oversized sweater, I'd gotten up and closed the space between us.

She didn't pull away, didn't say we were supposed to be acting. She didn't come up with some excuse to leave. She kissed me back.

I pulled her back to our bed, and for the first time ever, I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her for the reason that I wanted to kiss her. Not to please the media, or even Matt. No, I kissed her because I had feelings for her, and I wasn't going to deny them any longer.

And she clearly had feelings for me, because she pulled me even closer, hugged me even tighter, her fingers lightly combing through my hair.

All I could feel, see, taste, smell was Jaye... all I could hear was her little breaths in between kisses. And that was all that mattered.

A/N: So sorry for the suuuper late update, but here you go! Hope you enjoyed it. It was not edited so if there were any mistakes, I hope you ignored it. Also, Someone's a tad bit in love *wink wink*                -C

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