Chapter 14

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A/N: This is an all Jaye and Luke chapter. I hope you think it's as cute as I think it is! I am also trying to figure out a cast for Jaye and Denim, and maybe even Tyler so if you have any ideas, please feel free to share.

Jaye's POV

Luke had his arm lazily slung around my waist, my back was to him and I could feel my hair lightly flutter whenever he exhaled.

Nothing had ever felt so comfortable and so natural. Ever.

"I have to go make sure Ty's not awake," I said softly.

"Don't go yet."

"I'll be back before you know it," and he reluctantly let me slip out of his grasp.

For that I needed to not be in my underwear, so I threw on Luke's plain black full-sleeved shirt. It was like a short skimpy dress on me but the arms were long and floppy and cute.

Luckily for us Tyler was fast asleep, the TV still flickering. I put it on mute and returned to Luke.

I closed my door and locked it, before hesitantly walking over to the bed again. It was dark, with just enough moonlight streaming in from the open window, giving everything a surreal glow.

As if becoming impatient with my slow approach, Luke got up and pulled me back to the bed, and pulled me onto his lap so that I was facing him, a knee on either side of his legs.

At some point he'd put his skinny jeans back on again, but he was still shirtless.

"You're going to need to go back at some point,'' I stated, fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt, pulling them over my hands.

I didn't want him to leave yet, but his bandmates would definitely notice the absence of their lead singer.

He playfully tugged at a lock of my hair (that must have been in a pitiful state, and under usual circumstances I'd be morbidly embarrassed) and said, "Look at me."

I took a deep breath and let our eyes meet. I was staring into a deep pool of sapphire water glistening in the moonlight. Cheesy, I know.

"I'm not leaving. Not yet."

"But you know this can't go on, right? The media, your critics, your fans -"

He cut me off with a quick kiss. It wasn't deep or anything, but it had the desired effect.

I was just happy to see he'd found new methods to shut me up. Other than actually tell me to.

"You're right. This right here should probably be illegal, and it could get nasty for both of us. It's already started with you, and I care about you too much to let you get eaten alive by the press."

He pushed back the sleeves covering my cold hands and took them in his warm, big ones.

"But think about it, we've been fighting so much in public that no one would dare believe that we have any positive feelings for each other.''

So that's why he was treating me like crap. Hm, it's a pretty good reason but not good enough to hit me in the face with a football.

"So tell me, Mr Hemmings, if our feelings are so positive, then why'd you throw a football at me?"

He laughed. He literally laughed. But not loudly, and it was so cute I almost forgave him.

"I was aiming for Calum. Honestly. I couldn't stand the thought of you guys kissing. And come on, I'm an Australian rock star, I suck at football.''

I couldn't stop the corners of my mouth from tugging up into a smile.

"What does this mean for Cake?" I knew it would kill the mood but I had to ask.

"I honestly don't know, Jaye. But what I do know, is that I have to be back at the hotel before sunrise, which leaves us with very little time I'd rather not waste," he said as he glanced at his phone.

A little over two hours. That's all we had before we'd never get time alone again for weeks. This totally sucked.

I leaned my head forward against his chest and sighed after inhaling - I'd never get tired of his scent.

"Hey, Jaye?" he said, hesitant.


"Your tattoo... What happened on the 23rd of October in 2000?"

I went rigid. Here it was. A question I'd been anticipating. And I didn't want to answer it.

I knew having a date as a tattoo would lead to questions. That day in history meant a lot to me, and although my parents didn't know I had a tattoo to symbolise it, they were the only ones who knew why that date was so important.

Not even Denim or Ty knew.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"Learning more about you might just be worth dying for."

"While that's really cute, and it sends a very pleasant chill down my spine that you feel that way, I'm not ready for you to die." I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. "At least not now, anyway."

He smiled but didn't say anything, pulled me so that I was now lying on top of him, my head on his chest.

He started tracing random patterns on my back below his shirt, wandered over to exactly where my tattoo was. He knew its precise position, after only seeing it twice.

I lifted my arm up, and slowly spelled out my name under his collarbone. I heard his heart rate pick up.

"What's the time?" he asked me after what felt like almost an hour.

"It's 4:36am," I answered after a glance at my bedside clock.

"I hope you never forget this exact time."


"Because I like you, Jaye. A lot. And I want you to remember 4:36am as the time that I confessed this to you."

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