Chapter 30 - A Firebolt!... Not that useless 1d10 one.

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30 full chapters POG!

I'm setting up a Paypal Account, so if there is anyone who wants to support me and my works, then feel free to. 

I just want to make some money so my parents don't have to give me much before heading to college. Don't want to burden them after all they've done for me. Hopefully, that sounds alright. I don't want to offend anyone :)

Also, I'm looking to rewrite some chapters cause of the adjustments I keep making like Saber Alter. I'm still thinking about ways to fix them though.


Ron and Hermione watched Harry nervously all through dinner, not daring to talk about what we'd overheard because Percy was sitting close by them. 

When we went upstairs to the crowded common room, it was to find Fred and George had set off half a dozen Dungbombs in a fit of end-of-term high spirits. Harry, who didn't want Fred and George asking him whether he'd reached Hogsmeade or not sneaked quietly up to the dormitory while Hermione, Ron, and I were left in the Common Room.

Raising my left arm, I told the two to grab onto me before using [ID Create]. The surrounding quiets down as no one could be seen in the Common Room, even though there were almost 50 students just now.

Ron: So... Black is the... you know?

He asks, not knowing how to describe the traitor. 

Hermione: The Minister said it himself, so it should be true... But to think his best friend was a member of the Death Eaters...

We all stayed quiet when Ron suddenly asks,

Ron: ... You don't think Harry will chase after the man, would he?

We said nothing. We know Harry. After all, we knew him for almost 3 full years.

Hermione: This is bad...

Ron: We have to stop him! Harry won't be able to fight Black. Even the Minister still has nightmares from the incident!

Hermione: We'll try to talk him out of it tomorrow. That's all we can do right now.

With everyone nodding, I destroyed the [ID] as we were back in the populated Common Room. Ron went and check on Harry as I kept Hermione company.

Hermione: You don't think he'll —

Damien: If I were him, I would chase after Black and demanded why he did it. It's unavoidable, Mione. Imagine his pain.

Hermione bits her lip as she was in deep thought.

Hermione: I know... But I'm scared, Damien... I'm scared I'll lose my friend... And after hearing what Black can do —

She shivered as I went and hugged her.

Damien: He'll be fine, Mione. He's a smart kid. 

Nodding, she tightened the hug. We stayed there for some time before she excused herself and went to her dormitory. 

... She felt really soft . . . Damn fucking hormones...

I thought to myself as I created a new [ID] to continue my training.


Hermione: Harry, you — you look terrible.

Harry came down the spiral staircase to the Common room that was completely empty except for Ron, who was eating a Peppermint Toad and massaging his stomach, and Hermione, who had spread her homework over three tables. She had normal her robes on, but she was wearing stockings on her legs since the room was quite chilly. I had my eyes closed, accessing my [Reality Marble], looking at the Noble Phantasms I accumulated. Fou was on Hermione's lap, taking a nap as Crookshanks was sitting next to the fire, warming itself up.

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