02. cardigan

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Olivia Rodrigo, 2021

Taylor Swift is standing in front of the double wooden door, dressed in this black cape, hands clasped behind her back and apparently not even the slightest bit bothered by the thunderstorm that happens above her.

Olivia and James walk towards her and even though Olivia had seen her before this scene was rather intimidating.

She knew Taylor and had taken goofy selfies with her, but seeing her standing in the pouring rain, dressed like a fucking super villain and seeming to be protecting the walls of the castle or some shit, makes even James look like a small middle school boy.

Olivia shivers, as the rainwater slowly soaks her socks and every step she takes creates a squishing sound. Her hands are practically dead by know and her knuckles turn white as she grips the umbrella, walking towards Taylor, only hoping the parchment in the pocket of her sweater jacket is not drenched in water and ruined forever. Because Olivia is planning on keeping it forever and maybe framing it and hanging it up on her wall.

The authoritative aura that had surrounded Taylor only seconds ago, vanishes completely as she begins to smile and takes a step towards the two.

"Hello Olivia. James." She greets him with a warm smile and a short nod of her head in his direction, before adverting her attention back to Olivia.
"Shall we go inside? It's a bit cold."
She nods behind her in the direction of the castle that stands still in the grounds, still intimidating and still seeming to be dead.

Olivia nods thankfully and follows Taylor through the left wing of the wooden door.
It's immediately warmer inside, even though the walls are brick as well and not that amazingly insulated. There are rusty candle holders standing on the stone floor and hanging in the wall, holding thick creme coloured candles that slowly burn and create at least a bit of warmth. It smells of old stone like a museum and carpets. It's completely silent that makes Olivia wonder if she's just being kidnapped.

Kidnapped into a very beautiful place by Taylor Swift and James Corden.
As Olivia thinks about it, she would stay voluntarily and maybe thank them.

Olivia glances outside one more time and watches as the raven lands on the statue that is in the middle of the glamorous white fountain which is probably ivory or some shit.

The long hallway they're standing in now is also completely empty and somehow James disappeared without Olivias notice.
There is a dark royal blue carpet laying on the warm coloured stone floor, golden embroidered and looking way to expensive to walk on with her wet and dirty shoes.

"Okay, what is this place?" Olivia bursts out, throwing her head back and spinning around two times to take everything in. Even though it looked so dark from the outside, the windows are high and if it was sunny, it would be a warm and cozy area.

Taylor turns to her, a mischievous glint in her eyes as a smile spreads on her lips. She slides the wet cape off of her shoulders, revealing a warm yellow and orange cardigan with checked pattern and matching trousers.
As she takes the hood off, Olivia sees her hair is in a braided ponytail and all in all she looks like she just came back from the photoshoot of the vinyl cover of evermore.

"This place is your new home for a while. If you want to."

Olivias confusion only builds up at that. She furrows her brows and has to remember to close her mouth.

"19 people currently live here. You'd be the 20th. But you can always go back to your home in LA if you" Taylor pauses for a second. "don't like the British weather or the way your feet will always be cold on this floor, no matter if it's summer or winter. Or the way these walls are so thick you won't here a sound until you round a corner and suddenly shoved a violin in your face and the next thing you know, you're deaf."

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