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Harry Styles, 2021

Larry Stylinson comes out on Louis birthday and Christmas Eve, 2021.

Harry calls Louis at exactly midnight, singing to him and telling him that he loves him for one thousand times probably, apologizing for fighting just as often and crying a little because that fight led them to being apart on Louis' birthday.

First thing in the morning after he wakes up, Harry calls a driver and takes the car to get to London earlier than the others.

He spends almost the whole ride making various phone calls and organizing one special surprise that is not even for Louis. He already has Louis' surprise all planned out, of course. But he needs to give someone else something.

Someone, who gave him so incredibly much. Who probably saved his life, two times in a literal meaning (by once pulling him away from the edge of the stage he would've fallen down from and once by telling him that it's not the cleverest idea to jump into the ocean off a cliff in Spain) and one time in a metaphorical meaning, by helping him mentally.

He needs to get Niall something special this Christmas.

Nothing that can be bought with money.

As soon as the driver snaps him out of his thoughts by saying that they arrived at the back entrance of the hotel Louis is staying at, Harry almost falls out of the car and runs into the lobby, telling the lady who he's here to see panting. He's not patient enough to wait for the elevator so he runs up the stairs.

He's not done a good workout in way too long, he curses his legs as he finally reaches the right floor and jogs the last few steps to Louis door, knocking politely.

He wouldn't have knocked if he had the key, though.

The door opens, revealing Louis, not for long though, because Harry jumps onto him, still panting with all the exhausting exercise he just did.

He buries his face in Louis' neck, who stumbles back and struggles to catch Harry, arms wrapping around his body immediately.

Like a reflex. Well, it is a reflex.

"I'm sorry, I love you, you're great and I really have to kiss you now."

Harry didn't kiss Louis is way too long. Two days. Still.

"Kiss me, you fool." Louis laughs and Harry doesn't even have time to make fun of him for the quote, because his body sets itself to work and he's kissing the shit out of Louis.

"Your birthday present is something I'll give you later tonight." Harry whispers against Louis' lips as he breaks away from the kiss, legs still wrapped around his waist and probably too heavy for him, but Louis doesn't complain as his eyes darken a bit. "I couldn't give you that for Christmas, you know, Jesus and

Louis nods, understanding.

"Because of that, your Christmas present is," Harry pauses, jumps down onto his feet again and pulls a gift out of his tote bag. "This." He hands it over to Louis.
"Wrapped it myself." He pushes his face back into Louis' face, kissing him just somewhere near his lips while saying it.

"Oh it even has a little bow on it? Surprise." Louis repeats the sentence Harry says every time he gives him a present. 

"Shut up and unwrap it."

Louis chuckles cutely and does as told, revealing a light blue photo album.

"That looks like the ones we made in 2013." He says, eyes widening in surprise and a wide smile coating his lips.

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