15. Comfort Crowd

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Harry Styles, 2017

"How's the most beautiful man on earth doing today?" Harry asks, walking into Louis' room without knocking.

After they had kissed, Beyoncé asked for Harry and Taylor in the throne room, talking about how they wanted their thrones to stand and their crowns to look and something like that. Then Zayn had pulled him into the designing room after catching him in the hallway and Harry had to try on various suits he had designed with Lady Gaga and Lorde.
Just a few hours later, Zayn had dismissed him and immediately, Harry looked for Louis.

"I don't know, how are you?" Louis answers Harry's question without looking up from the paper he is writing on.

Harry immediately starts blushing, because it is Louis and because this is kind of new again.
"'m fine." He replies shyly, walking over to where Louis is sat at his table, and wrapping his arms around his shoulders from behind, glancing at the words he's written down.

"New song?" He asks and pulls another chair over to him, sitting down next to Louis.

"Yes." Louis draws out.

Harry reads what are the lyrics till now and a smile forms on his lips. "About me?"

"No, actually it's about Eleanor." Louis says casually and stares at the words written on the paper with dried ink.

Harry's jaw drops and he raises his eyebrows, looking at Louis shocked.

Louis turns his head and meets his gaze, they stare at each other for a second, before Louis starts laughing.

He picks up the paper and holds it in front of Harry's face. "You see that? It says princess park. Of course it's not about Eleanor. It's about you, love." He gently squishes Harry's cheeks in his hands, attacking his face with kisses and Harry can't help but smile.

"You're not going to release that song are you?" He says when Louis frees him from his attack.

"Oh, hell fucking ya I am!" Louis says loudly, smirking.

"But they will know. I mean Princess Park, really, Lou? I already see the tweets. Oh! My god. Have you seen the new proof? They are so loud."
Louis bursts out laughing at Harry's changed voice.

"Sometimes Larries are a bit annoying. I mean I can't even write a single song about you." He says, still laughing and shaking his head.

Harry pushes his hands into his hips. "Yes, I know, right? Like they genuinely think we're together. After you wrote songs, that are so obviously about Eleanor, your girlfriend."

"Shut up." Louis laughs, looking at Harry fondly, his eyes crinkling.

He clears his throat after a second, setting his pen down onto the table and turning his upper body fully around, facing Harry.

"Look, um." He starts. "What I wanted to say earlier," Harry nods, symbolizing him to go on.
"I am honestly so, so incredibly sorry for what I did and it was the biggest mistake of my life and I know I should have talked to you and I should have let you work it out, because you always do."

He starts rambling and the corners of Harry's mouth quirk upwards as he start to feel warm all over.

"I should have stayed with you because I love you so fucking much and now we lost all this time, just because I was so weak, so scared-"

Louis voice breaks and Harry interrupts him with putting his hands on Louis cheeks and leaning forward.
"You're not weak, Lou. You're so brave. For everything."

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