22. You Need To Calm Down

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Harry Styles, 2021


Harry groans.


"What?" He slowly opens his eyes and lifts his head from the cold material he's been laying on. After a few seconds, he recognizes it as the window of the car he's feel asleep in.

"We're here, baby."

It's Niall, who gently strokes Harry's cheek and brushes the curls that fell into Harry's face behind his ear.
It's Niall, who acts like he's Harry's mother telling him that they arrived at McDonald's for a break on their way abroad.

Harry can't help but smile at his behavior and rubs his eyes sleepily with his sweater-paw-hands.

"Are you done with the affection?"
The driver murres and Harry's body is brought to life with sudden energy of the need to get out of this vehicle as soon as possible.

As soon as his Chelsea-Boot clad feet touch the wet asphalt of the streets of London, there's a lot of noise in his ears and a lot of movements in his vision that he's not used to anymore.

He breathes in deeply and when he's done appreciating the capital city vibe, Niall is by his side and so are two bodyguards.


He forgot about that part of being known as well.

"What would people say if they saw us together in London?" Niall asks and with that he speaks what's going on in Harry's mind.

"They would freak out."

They both nod and grin mischievously.

Then Niall shakes his head and denies the idea of playing with millions of hearts.

"I'm going to go on a date with Brandon now and you're gonna play knight in shining armor and save your prince. Bring him home, mate, deal?"
Niall dramatically places his hands on Harry's shoulders while holding his motivation speech.

Harry nods and bites down his smile as Niall kisses his cheek. "Deal."

Niall hugs him and Harry spots the first people that recognize them and pointing at them.

"I'm gonna take" Niall inspects both of the bodyguards. "This one with me. He looks nice." 

"Stop objectifying them." Harry tuts but Niall only smiles sweetly and grabs the left guy's hand, pulling him with him.

When Harry hears the first girls screaming, Niall is already gone and Harry is pushed back into a new car.

He just hopes nobody took pictures because he doesn't want to give some fans hope that he knows won't be rewarded any time soon.

They drive towards the modest headquarters and Harry hates everything there. He hates the smell, the way the doors open and the receptionist.

"Who are you here to see, Mr Styles?"
She asks, fake nice accent and fluttering her lashes horribly.

"My boyfriend." Harry declares, trying to stop her flirting attempts at the same time and although she already knows that he is in a committed, homosexual relationship, her smile falls immediately.

"You mean Mr Tomlinson?"

"Yes." He has to suppress an eye roll.

"He's in Mr Cowell's office, but I'm afraid you can't join them. The meeting is top secret." She fakes compassion and places her chin on her hand.

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