19. Happier Than Ever

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Harry Styles, 2021

"And eventually, the years just started flying by as if we were in a blur. And well, now you're here."
Harry finishes his story and Olivia looks out over the grounds.

They still sit on the edge of the stone porch.
Well, actually it is more like a whole room just without a roof and columns instead of walls.
Their legs are tangling from the edge and Harry's Gucci boots reach the neat lawn while Olivia's worn out Reeboks dangle in the air.

The sun is long gone and the night rises over the massive grounds of the castle. A clouded night, no stars in sight. But it's beautiful, the light that shines through the windows of the castle illuminates the ivory of their statues, that are scattered all over the lawn, showing various weird motives and sculptures.

Harry doesn't even remember how they ended up there.

They had been very drunk.

And the next morning, there had been ivory statues of a rose and a dagger, a raven, a man playing a violin, a mermaid and somewhere near the lake is one of Niall playing golf.

It's a quiet night, since everyone is inside making fools of themselves, no birds flying around and no shadows dancing over the ground because the moon is hidden behind the thick wall of clouds.

"What's your first impression?" Harry asks, glancing at Olivia sideways.

"I love it. Everything is so overwhelming but it's great."

Harry nods and notices that Olivia shudders, barely visible.
"Let's get back inside, yeah? I think Lou and Niall calmed down by now." He offers a hand to her and help her up, although she really doesn't need it.

"I still can't really believe this is happening." Olivia admits while they walk back to the throne room through the hallways.

"You'll get used to it faster than you think, and now you can be sure that it's not a dream, since I just talked for almost an hour and told you everything." It had been good, just saying everything and Olivia was a good listener. She hadn't interrupted Harry once which was really rare when he talked for a longer period of time because he tends to "talk slowly", people told him, so most of the people he's talking to just get impatient eventually and show it.

Which is annoying as fuck.
But not Olivia.

She had been so interested and excited but at the same time calm and even if she is only seventeen and Harry's just met her, he's sure that they will get along really well.

"Harry?" She asks, when they're almost at the door.


"How long exactly have you been here?"

"Three and a half years. But I went on tour and of course visited my family some time." He answers and opens the left wing of the door for Olivia to go in first.

It's still warm in the throne room but less loud than when they left. Liam finally put some clothes on, a few of them left the room, probably to call it a day.

"And do you miss home?" Olivia asks, concern written on her voice.

Harry smiles warmly, not even thinking about the answer before it escapes his lips. "No."

"Why not?"

He points over to where the three main thrones stand, two of them occupied.

"Because my home is right there, playing poker with Beyoncé."

Olivia smiles as well and just on point, Louis spots them, immediately stops the games and stands up from his throne that has the rainbow mosaic behind it.

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