08. Best Song Ever

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Harry Styles, 2017

Harry is walking back to the tower his rooms are in, his thoughts running in circles around no one other than Louis Tomlinson.

Had he just suggested the love of his life to make a move on him after two years of no contact at all?

But then again, Louis had called him the sky.

He had done that all the time when they had been together. The six best and at the same time worst years of Harry's life.

Louis had made them the best.

And he had called him the sky all the time. 

Harry Styles, 2012

"Okay boys, I'll get you whatever you want." Paul says and makes the biggest mistake of his life.

"I want a cheeseburger..." Niall starts, in deep thoughts.

"Lou lets share a happy meal and eat it together tonight." Harry whispers into Louis ear, making him squirm and giggle a bit, which is adorable.
"sure, we can eat in bed." he whispers back and Zayn makes gagging noises at their affection.

"Chicken wings..." Niall continues, unbothered.

"Harry, please, stop touching Louis and order your food." Paul begs.

"French fries." Niall starts counting on his fingers.

"Some cookies would be nice." Liam smiles.

"Maybe ice cream?" Niall asks into the room without talking to anyone in particular.

"Is here a bathroom? I need a
mirror." Zayn asks.

"No Zayn you're fine." Paul sighs.

"Onion rings!" Niall suddenly exclaims and face-palms. "How could I forget?"

"Niall don't you think that's a bit much food?" Paul asks looking at the list Niall writes for him.

"Order on the name Terrance. But can you say there are six r's?" Louis asks and Harry laughs, clapping his hands on his mouth the next second.

"Paul, I really could use a mirror right now." Zayn warns.

"Louis and I need a drink to share."

"Look at the moon!" Liam says excitedly and points to the window. Niall sprints towards it.

"Never seen a night sky before or what Niall?"
Zayn huffs, still fiddling with his hair.

"Don't need a sky. Because I have you." Louis says and Harry looks at him, confused.
Louis leans in and whispers into his ear. "You're my sky."

Harry Styles, 2013

"You see that?" Louis says floating through the swimming pool on top of the skyscraper that is their hotel.

Harry follows his gaze and looks up.

The black night sky is littered with millions of stars, hanging above them quietly like a blanket, seeming to be unmoving. And maybe it is, Harry doesn't know and Harry doesn't care.

Louis swims over to him and brings their bodies closer to each other.

"It's beautiful. So beautiful." But he looks into Harry's eyes while saying it and brings his arms around Harry's neck, holding him impossibly closer.

"I don't want tomorrow to arrive"  Harry whispers, lost in Louis' eyes.

"Then lets stay here. Lets drown and have a view on this sky forever" Louis whispers back and wraps his legs around Harry's waist, forcing him to hold him up in the water that is still warm from the hot summer of Texas.

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