07. Style

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Harry Styles, 2017

Harry, Niall, Liam and Beyoncé stand in the throne room waiting for Zayn and Ariana, since James picked them up together.

Liam had arrived a few hours ago and they had spent the entire time in the kitchen, catching up with each other and everything that had happened since they last talked to each other. It was nice, Harry really missed Liam the time he didn't see him. Liam took a real break, doing some stuff for himself and getting professional help which was good. But it also meant that they really didn't have much contact at all. And even if it didn't always seem like it through the videos and on stage, Liam had been one of the closest friends Harry ever had. So it had been really nice talking to him and getting to know a bit about his life again since so much had changed.

Louis hadn't been there and Louis isn't here now.

The door finally swings open and Harry's head snaps up, his heart hoping to see Louis. He isn't too disappointed when it isn't Louis, but Zayn.

"Hey bebz." He says, surprisingly happy, and walks up to them. Harry is relieved by the happy, loud tone in his voice, he had expected Zayn to be rather grumpy to be pulled out of his somewhat settled down life again.  Niall jumps at him like he had done with Harry and hugs the shit out of Zayn. When he finally lets go of the black haired man, Zayn smiles at Harry and Harry also wraps his arms around his shoulders.

"Long time no see." Zayn smiles at him and pats his back.

He finally looks better.

Looks like he sleeps enough and drinks more water and surrounds himself with people that are good for him. Harry still regrets not having been able to help him, although Zayn always assures him that it wasn't Harry's fault and that he doesn't blame him for anything.

Liam also hugs Zayn after he had parted from Harry.

"I brought spoons." Zayn smirks. 

"Funny." Liam says monotonously.

James walks in next to Ariana Grande, who greets Beyoncé with a hug, before smiling widely as she walks over to where they're standing.

"Finally seeing 1d together again." She says and kisses all of them on the cheek.

"Yuh." Niall imitates her and she giggles.

"Funny story." Ariana starts, leaving no times for awkward silence and Harry is extremely grateful. He's had enough awkwardness in the last two days for a lifetime.

"Yesterday, in a meet and greet, a fan told me I smelled great and asked if it was Chanel. I didn't know how to explain to her that it was my One Direction perfume I bought in 2014." She laughs and Niall gasps.

"I'm wearing it right now." He says and proudly pushes his wrist under Harry's nose for him to smell the perfume.

The door opens again and in walks Louis.

Louis wearing an oversized Adidas t-shirt, sleeves almost touching his elbows, making him look even smaller, even cuter and less like the sassy guy with his middle finger constantly in the air he really is.

"Liam." He says and a smile appears on his lips, that takes Harry's breath away.

Involuntarily, he is  jealous of Liam, Liam, for being responsible for this smile that radiates sunshine.

There had been a time where Harry had been the reason for it. Harry doing absolutely nothing, things like laying around, cooking, writing songs and putting his hair in a bun had made Louis smile like that.

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