16. Adore You

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Harry Styles, 2017

Birds are chirping, hedgehogs are  sleeping, the leaves are orange or brown laying on the grass, covering the entire grounds around the castle.

The wind loudly howling, the sun hidden behind a white wall of clouds.

The walls of the castle seem to be even colder while it itself is just warmer on the inside. With everyone becoming close friends after six weeks have passed, everything fits together better.

On the evenings, they always find some event (games night, UPONS, exploring the parts of the castle they haven't seen yet or simply playing golf and football.) and most nights, the castle's insides are filled with loud noises and always music. In every corner seems to be a guitar or a piano or sometimes a cello.

In the mornings it's quiet and idyllic until the first ones wake up and start making breakfast (pancakes always) for everyone. It's just a very, very big pile of pancakes and everyone slowly gathers in the kitchen, sitting on the countertop or at the table and eating and laughing together.
That's how they start every single day.

But today's morning is a bit different, at least for Harry. And that is caused by last nights events in the music room and Harry's bed.

After waking up alone for two years (what absolutely killed him) Harry opens his eyes the next morning and the first thing he sees on this beautiful autumn day is Louis face, soft and tanned skin smooth over his features while his mind is still in a different place and his breathing is even as he sleeps.

Harry just melts, because he is finally waking up again close to this beautiful, beautiful creature that is his boyfriend.

When Louis is awake he's loud and hops around, not able to sit still but when he's still sleeping he looks so peacefully calm and Harry absolutely loves both versions of him.


Louis might look soft and innocent like that, but he is still very naked under the white silk sheets that cover his body up to his chest.

And the same goes for Harry, reminding him of last nights suddenly interrupted events.

Even though they hadn't slept with each other, this image of Louis lying next to him, naked in his bed, his hair messy and lips still very red, this image reminds Harry of all those good times.

The best time of his life, when he was waking up to this view almost everyday, because Louis and Harry just hadn't been able to control themselves, especially when they weren't allowed to show any affection in public. When they had been in private (most of the times) they had been all over each other and then Harry had woken up to this gorgeous image that should be painted on canvas with oil paint.

He lifts his head and immediately regrets it. His brain is pounding like a bitch thanks to all the alcohol Niall had made him drink last night.

He groans quietly, not wanting to wake Louis up and slowly pushes the duvet off of himself to get two aspirins and a glass of water, swallowing one of them and placing the other on his nightstand for when Louis wakes up. He gets a block of paper as well as a pen and settles back into his soft, warm bed, sitting down a bit closer to Louis and the warmth his body spreads than before.

He leans with his back against the head of his bed and sets the block down on his thighs, pen in hand and he looks at Louis for a while.

For anyone else, it would be creepy to stare at him like that while he's sleeping, but for them it's not.

Nobody knows why, but sometimes they just spend hours looking at each other, they can't get enough of each others features and want to mesmerize all of them forever.

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