20. The Man With The Axe

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Harry Styles, 2021

Harry wakes up to a kiss on his nose.

Then his forehead.

Then his cheeks, his eyes, his jaw, the space between his eyebrows, his eyebrows, his chin and eventually his lips.

He leans into the kisses, smiling widely without opening his eyes.

The sun that floats through the window warms the skin on his arms and is the reason he eventually does open his eyes. And it's worth it. The sun also shines onto Louis' skin, who hovers over him, and paints him literally golden.

"Morning sunshine." Harry mumbles, voice raspy and Louis smiles at him so beautifully before dipping his head down again and kissing Harry's neck.
The latter turns his head and buries his face in the soft pillow, simply enjoying every bit of attention and touch.

"What are we gonna do today?" Louis asks and pulls away eventually, making Harry pout.

"I have an id-"

"Before you even ask, I'm not going to visit your stylist with you to see if your suit is the same shade of blue as my eyes."

Harry is full on pouting like a child by now, crossing his arms in front of his chest and biting his lower lip. "But it has to be the exact same color or it would be wasted money because I would never ever wear it. It has to be blou."

Then he chuckles.

"Blou. You know, blue and Lou."

Louis just kisses his nose again. "Just send him a picture of my eyes, okay?"

Harry agrees with an incoherent noise and sits up, throwing the blanket over both of them, kissing the living daylights out of Louis.

He's distracted by Louis' tongue immediately licking into his mouth and because of that somehow misses the moment Louis puts two hands onto his chest to push him back against the pillows (Not that he minds, though), that's only until Louis tolls half on top of him. He kisses him deep and passionately and one of his legs is slipping between Harry's thighs and Harry's back immediately arches into him at the contact.

Of fucking course, the door flies open and Niall storms in.

Harry thinks he might have a radar for whenever the air between Louis and him gets steamy so he could fuck it up and interrupt them.

But right now, the blanket is on top of Louis, as he lays on top of Harry.

"Harry, I-" Niall stops abruptly and stares at the blanket while Harry coughs awkwardly, trying to cover Louis so that Niall won't be able to make a bit deal out of it again.

They're grown men, for goddesses' sake. They can have sex.

"Is Louis under the blanket?" Niall asks slowly.

"No." Harry says.

"Good, I'm actually only here looking for him." He takes a few steps into the room and raises his voice before talking again. "Tommo, when you're naked, prepare and cover your boner imma pull the blanket off now. It's a bit rude talking to someone through a blanket." He says and grabs the material, throwing it off of them and making Harry shiver.

"Do you know how much I dislike you?" Louis greets him and wraps his arms around Harry to keep him warm because he realised that he's cold.

Niall shrugs and holds his thumb and pointer very, very close to each other, creating the smallest distance possible. "This much."

Before Louis can disagree, Niall shoves his phone into their faces.
"Simon called."

They both immediately shiver at the name and Louis wraps his arms tighter around Harry.

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