¹Eascaping Uncle

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Tw: Mentions of death, alcoholism, and r8pe

It was another day in (Y/N)'s life, merchants selling their wares, children running around playing, and the fountain in the middle of the place forever flowing

All kinds of people would walk on these busy streets
Peasants, Nobles, Thieves, Guards, and the Adventurers

You admired the people who would go and leave their hometown to slay dangerous beasts, you've always wanted to follow the same path and maybe go kill a dragon or two

Your uncle screamed for you, he always was such a slave driver, you took one last look at the bustling street before you went back into the shop

He yelled once again, you'd yell something sarcastically back if you could

All you do is continue your path to a small door, despite it being so miniature your able to crawl around in it just fine due to your height, the door lead to a maze of tunnels that lead all over the shop and to more places

You enter and crawl over to your work space, The tunnel system is complex but somehow you always manage to get to where you need to be

You open a hatch and slip into a huge boiler room, ever since you got into this place you've spent most of your time down here fueling the fire

God knows what it powers, even if you could ask uncle you doubt he'd ever tell you

You hear him yell once again

Sighing you pick up a shovel and throw coal into the fire, you watch as the flame grows larger every passing second
[Timeskip: was midday, now midnight]
Collapsing on the bed after another hard day at work became a constant for you, your muscles sore and your head hurting from the constant yellings from uncle

You finally lay on your back properly and listen to your rarely calm surroundings, since the town is no longer so filled you can hear the fountains water rushing and the cicadas in the trees

'Finally its quiet..'

You think to yourself as your eyes slowly close

'Time to rest'


Your eyes open as your body shoots up

'Oh no uncle's drinking again'
You go over to lock your door but the knob starts to turn

With you fight or flight senses yelling at you to do something you scan the room and look for options

'Should I fight back and grab a chair?? No he'll only beat me harder- should I run? But he's in the doorway'

You quickly hold the door in place as your uncle starts trying to barge in


Tears threatening to fall you look at your window

'It's that or being beaten to death isnt it'
You silently start to cry as you mentally prepare yourself to jump through the window


Letting go of the door you make a dash to the window, jumping onto the bed and diving through the glass, shards cut your skin as you land on the ground

You try to yell in pain but all that comes out is a painful dirty cry

Uncle shouted as he waved a knife around

You quickly regain your senses and start running to whatever direction you can, you know the streets well since Uncle always made you buy the groceries for him

While running you made the mistake of taking a breath and looking behind you

'oh of course he's right there'

You start running again, adrenaline keeping you from feeling the pain of the glass cuts and your bare feet running on the rough ground

Just as you see your chance to finally escape Uncle

You bump into someone


You look up at the person and you see his velvet cape resting on his shoulders, a crown proudly sitting on his head, and a bone skull preventing you from seeing his full face

And the most noticable thing out of it all, long pink hair tied in a braid

'Oh god must love me, ive bumped into a noble'

You turn back to see your uncle standing behind you

Sandwiched in between the two men you have nowhere to go, you whimper as Uncle stepped foreard and grabbed your arm trying to drag you back

"Sorry if this bitch caused you any trouble, we'll be going now"
Uncle tried to be polite since the man standing in front of us looked like a prince from an afar nation

But just as he tried to drag you away the man spoke up

"What are you going to do to that child?"
The male looked at Uncle while his hand was on an unsheathed sword

"Just taking it home, this mute cunt tried to run away again"
Uncle smirked as he tightened the grip on your arm causing you to yelp in pain

You grit your teeth and angrily looked at your Uncle
'You peice of shit I didn't even run away from home, I ran away to not get killed'

As if he could read your mind and hear you insult him, he tightened his grasp again making the pain even worse

"Sorry Sir but we'll be going now-"
Uncle got cut off by a sword right next to his neck

"Your not going anywhere with that Child"
You look up at the man in surprise, Uncle seems to be startled aswell

"B-but sir-"

"Seriously, with a knife in your hand and the countless bruises on their body just screams danger, I couldn't possibly sleep knowing a child died just because I left them in the wrong hands"

Uncle just scoffed and let go of your arm
"Fine, you can keep it, I have no use for it anymore anyway"

Uncle started walking away but he got cut off by the man's blade once again

"Who said you could leave?"


In a split second the pink haired man sliced Uncle's head off clean, after quickly returning the blade to its sheath the man spoke up

"A criminal who scammed his customers and raped a poor girl only to murder her after he was done, and the newly found crimes of child abuse and attempted murder"

'He did what?'
You looked fearfully at your Uncle's dead body and to the man wiping blood off of his face

You knew your Uncle was a bastard but you didn't know he was this bad

"Now what to do with you"
Your attention quickly turned to the man who was crounching down to match your height more

"whats your name kid"

You try to say something but a noise comparable to a zombie coughing came out

"Oh yeah, he did mention you were mute"
The pinkette dug into his satchel and retrieved a worn down notebook and pencil

"You can write right?"
You nod your head and take the notebook and pencil from him, quickly writing your name down

You show it to him and he looks at the text


You nod again

"What a weird name"

First xreader/reader insert book so heyy-

I'll proofread this later, maybe, maybe not, probably not,

Lets just hope we'll both enjoy this book :)

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