⁸Quality Time

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"Finished with your meal already Techno?"

"Yep, but I'll stay until y/n finishes their food"
Phil nods and continues with his cup of choco, you don't really know why he's waiting but you dont mind, all that is on your mind are these pancakes, they really are as delicious as Phil says

You finally finish your food and thank Phil via notebook, as you were about to offer to wash the dishes, Techno stands up "Come on y/n I want to show you something"

You confusingly nod and go with him to the back-door, which you never knew existed until now


As you exited the house you walked into a sunny day, which is confusing for a mountain which was practically in a forever blizzard

Techno notices your confusion and explains
"Phils a mage, his magic focuses on wind and can control the temperature, which is why this whole mountain has twenty different types of weather"
You don't quite understand, but you're still amazed

with the explanation done Techno walks over to a chest and takes out a knife? or a machete, whatever it is, it looks sharp and dangerous. He lays the knife on a table and faces you
"Come here y/n"

You do as he says and as you step closer you notice the knife was changing colors

when you reached the table you see something carved into it

"Ea?"'It's a weird glowing knife yeah cool, but why is he showing me this?'and as if Techno could read your mind, he started talking

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'It's a weird glowing knife yeah cool, but why is he showing me this?'
and as if Techno could read your mind, he started talking

"This is an old knife of mine, designed after a whaleing knife, Philza made it for me when I was younger than you and I used it for quite a bit, it reached to a point where using it one more time could break it apart"

You look to the knife and see its weathered state
'He must of loved the knife'

"But, I'm going to give it to you now, I've fixed it and enchanted it, you can use it until I find you a better weapon"
The pinkette says with a smile and hands you the knife

'He's giving something so important to me??Is this the same guy that snatched away his necklace the moment I laid hands on it?'

Techno just chuckles and picks up a sword
"Well then, let's see what you've got"

'Wait what'

He gets into a fighting stance and charges at you giving only a second to think, you block the sword and stumble back, as you stand again you see Techno circling you like a shark waiting to launch at it's prey

"C'mon y/n, I want to know if my childhood knife will be put to good use!"
He charges at you again but this time you're prepared,

Successfully blocking his charge you retract yourself and lunge at him, but you peirce nothing but air, as you turn your head you already see techno launching his next attack, with all your might you go and block it, but as his sword reaches your knife, the force of it knocks the knife out of your hands

You see Techno smirk and prepare his next attack, in those quick seconds you decide to do something reckless, charging in Techno's direction you lift your legs off the ground and almost fly toward him

You tackle him, but to your dismay he stays upright, the man chuckles and lifts you up

"It looks like I've won"
You look down at him and pout

"Quah! Gwah kuah ikkc!"
You try and complain, he only laughs and holds you up higher

"Too bad you little brat, looks like I'll have to train you, though you did good kid"
As he looks up to you, you can see him smile

You can't help but smile back and laugh a bit



"M? What"


Techno sighs and puts you down
"I guess you still can't speak huh, you definitely have vocal cords, so whats stopping you from forming proper words"

Techno decides to shrug it off
"Hey kid, since you've already got a knife why dont we find you more gear for the road? We can go check for quests while we shop"

You look up to him and smile brightly

So uh, hehe actual chapter?

It was originally supposed to be longer, like 2000 words or sumgth, but writing that would only make it a longer wait

But hey, chapter \o/

!Orphaned! please don't call me mother // TechnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now