³Nightmares and Dreams

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You look over to where the voice came from

"Y/N did you have a good day in school?"
You couldn't believe it

'What!? I can speak again?'

"Yes honey? Oh did the bullies rip up your pretty scarf again?"
Your mother knelt down to your height and took a look at the torn up black scarf

'Right.. I remember this, My mother and I were poor so she had to fix up any clothes we had since we couldn't afford to buy more'
The lady infront of you caressed your face
"Oh my darling don't cry"

You didn't even notice the tears going down your face

You start to tear up even more and go to hug your mother

"mom I missed you so much! I miss your cooking! I missed your lullabies! Im sorry I whined whenever you'd baby me! I'm sorry please sing more for me and fix my scarf one more time!" A waterfall of tears came down as your mother comforted you

"Don't worry honey, say why don't I cook your favorite meal and sing you to sleep tonight?"

you composed yourself and nodded
"Yea, please sing the song about the three adventurers"
You sniffle and look up to face your mom



"Mom where are you?"

"Right over here sweetie"


Looking at your mother again you could see her holding up a familiar invitation

"don't you think it was nice of that young man to give me an invitation to his party?"
Mother smiled gently like she always did

'No please'

'No no no no no no'


"It's a shame little souls like you can't come with me, the young man looked forward to seeing you too"


"I'll be off now honey, hold the fort down for me will you?"
Mother gave you a thumbs up as she opened the door

The moment she took a step she was engulfed by flames, lava dripped through the ceiling and wood burnt up and fell to the ground

"No no no not again please no"
You cried

You cried once more

You cried until you couldn't, your throat became rough and you could feel it hurt anytime you tried to speak

You try to call out to your mother but only a illegible squeek came out of your mouth

Soon the fire came for you as it came for your mother, you tried to run away, coughing out what felt to be your insides

Eventually there was nowhere you could run to, and you were engulfed by the flames



You almost jump out of the bed as you gasped for air

'Im not dead? Where's the fire?'


You look down at your body and pinched it a bit

'It was all just a dream...'

You looked around the room but nothing changed from last night

'What did I expect'
You sigh and go to find Technoblade since you didn't really know what other action to take

"I can't just adopt an Orphan Miss Loni"

"Oh sure you can boy, I've done it plenty of times and so has your father"

"W- well- don't bring Philza into this"

"C'mon we both know that old man would agree"

"Tell me again why can't I just leave them in an orphanage?"

"You know those people don't have enough funds for themselves, you adding more orphans for them to take care of won't help"

"Well what can I do! I'm an adventurer I can't just travel the world with a child"

A sound of someone almost falling caught both of their attention
[You're an adventurer?!]

The two adults looked over to you standing near the stairs

"Well, yeah who do you think I was"

[A hitman]
You wrote in the notebook Techno left on the desk

Techno looked at you unimpressed while Miss Loni laughed, Technoblade was about to make a Sassy comment but when he saw admiration and wonder in your eyes he paused and looked at you in confusion

One day I'll probably proofread this, but that day is not today

!Orphaned! please don't call me mother // TechnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now