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The sound of wind rushing past your ears barely drowns out the several footsteps and clashing of swords behind you

You almost laugh as you leap building from building, people waking up from all the ruckus


The useless yellings of the knights filled the streets, arrows whooshing past you as if they were droplets in rain

"Turn right Y/N!"
You hear Techno yell to you

You do as he says and turn right, but instead of following you he goes left

"You know where to meet!"
He says as he runs off

'Right the forest'

And with that thought you try and leap onto another building

But you're surrounded

"Where will you go now little kid"
One of them sneered

You look around, several guards on the ground, 2 behind you, and 1 infront, but you notice a chimney on the roof you're on

Looking around again you make a gargled noise in complaint seeing no other way out

'Time to put my tiny body to use then..'

Just as the men started running to catch you, you jump into the chimney, praying that it wasn't recently used

Hot charcoal isn't so good for the skin

You brace for impact and land into a dusty fire place, you immediately feel the pounding pain on your back side

'Looks like my prayers were answered this time'

You exit the fireplace and dust yourself off-

'Wait a minute'

The shock only lasted for a minute until you hear the doors being broken down and men coming down the chimney

'What should I do what should I do?'
As you scanned for answers your eyes landed on a familiar small door

Without any time to waste you dash for the door as knights bust into the room through the chimney and doors, you quickly break down the door since it had been locked, leaving your fists in a bloody mess

And just as you were about to make a break for it a knight gets a hold of your leg

you try to shout profanities at the guard but you remember you just really can't

A tug of war between you and a trained knight was currently happening, kicking his arm violently so he can let go

You finally push through and go deeper into the tunnels, which only the arm of the knight could go through

In a panic you try to grab ahold of something, which causes you to accidentally cut yourself on a sharp stone

You look at the stone and then back at the knights hand grabbing your foot

While trying to think about situation and to see what action you should take, the knight pulls on you hard, dragging you nearly out of the tunnel

Laughs and cheers were heard from the room the knights were in

In a mix of fear, pain, and surprise, your body moved on its on and stabbed at the man's hand using the sharp stone

You take the sharp stone out of the screaming knight's skin and plunge it into the his arm again

The knight wouldn't let go

You wanted to scream

Again and again, bit by bit, after about 14 stabs the hand comes off

Freeing you from his grasp

You grunt in content and crawled away as fast as you can

Hearing shouts of "GET THE BANDAGES" And just general screams of pain from the one knight

'Thats what you get for not letting go dumbass'
You say to yourself as you go out to the woods via tunnels

The screams are no longer heard and the pain is getting to you

You emerge from an old wooden hatch, moss growing over the unused door

Laying on the forest floor, bleeding out from your hands and legs,

Your mind finally calms down as the world slows a bit more, you can hear a river rushing and the sounds of crickets

your eyesight starts to become blurry, the worlds seems to be fading in and out

All you see before you pass out is a pink blob and a red liquid it held out to you



"Oh you're finally awake?"

Your eyes slowly adjusted to the light, you feel a vibration all around, and the world seemed to be moving, you reach for something and get ahold of... a horse's-

'Where am I??'

"Kid I don't think Carl likes it when you hold his snout"

You look around and it seems like your on a horse, Technoblade behind you making sure you don't fall

"We're stopping for a lunch break here kid"
He chuckled and slowed down the horse's pace

"You woke up at the right time"
He stopped and got off the horse, helping you off of it as well

You take look around, it's a whole new sight

You don't memorize every tree position anymore, you can't find your way back to the village even if you wanted to

You're finally away, you're finally going on an adventure

Techno looked over to you as you grabbed the notebook out of your pocket and a pencil

"Yea kid?"

[Where are we going?]

Techno just smiled behind his skull mask
"To an old friend of mine"

It's 2 am rn
Too lazy to, y'know
P r o o f r e-

!Orphaned! please don't call me mother // TechnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now