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If you're reading this then I have decided to continue writing this for his legacy, thank you all for the support

Rest in Peace Technoblade.

"y/n over here"
Techno whispered to you as you both crouched behind a bush

That guy was right, these boars really don't look normal, their skin and meat smelled of rot, their bones were exposed and you could see half of its skull and ribcage

Every step the hoard took sounded fleshy and disgusting, you try to get closer to get a good look at the boars, as you move nearer you can feel it's body heat and see the steam coming off of its body

"how could those beasts come to the overworld"
You hear Techno whisper to himself

You take a step backwards an- CR ACK!

"Ah shit"

You look to your feet and see a broken twig, looking back up you see the boars already prepping to run towards you

'What should we do now'



With that Techno runs off

"Uwah!??GWE- RWHA"

You and Techno run through the dense forest barely getting away while wild boars slowly catch up


You scream as a boar speeds up to ram into you

You do as he says and throw yourself to a bush to a side, the boar rushes into a tree and the rest continue to run after Techno

He yells

'There was a river in this forest?'

But without saying anything further, Techno disappears into the distance



'Well what should I do now'

You look over to the passed out body of the boar

'is that thing really passed out'


You go to poke it with a stick but the body stays motionless


You let out a sigh of relief and fall onto the forest floor

'I guess I should go find a river then'

You pick yourself up and walk in the direction Techno ran to, you listen to the sounds around you, hoping one of them would be the sound of water rushing

A birdsong, the sound of wind running through trees, the sound of your footsteps on sticks and fallen leaves, and.. oh! Water rushing

You run to the direction of the noise and find a river, fishes swimming and deers drinking from it

'Heh, I found it first, he better come here quickly and praise me for finding it so fast'

Happy you sit down on a rock and wait for him


You watch the birds fly across the sky and play with the leaves that fall down onto your lap


The sound of water calms you, but also keeps you alert, who knows what kinds of creatures would come here for a sip


!Orphaned! please don't call me mother // TechnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now