One Last Blowup

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And I'm back! I've been really busy with rehearsals, and friends, and I haven't gotten a new chapter up. But, this will definitly make up for it!



*Ali's POV*

I was watching some TV the next morning when Kendall came back. I didn't really think too much of where he was. So I just ignored him when he came in.


Kendall: You should be happy I'm back.

Ali: Why? Are you gonna tell me I have no talent too? Other than how you already told me I think I'm better than everyone. When your obviously not inside my head, and if you were I would be in a mental hospital.

Kendall: I hate when your like this.

Ali: I only learn from watching  you act like it. Doesn't feel so good now, does it?

Kendall: But you have the atitude all the time! You were like this when I met you!

Ali: So? I have an atitude when someone has one with me. If I remember correctly. You weren't too nice either.

Kendall: Whatever bitch.

Ali: See! This is what I hate! Now if somebody says something you don't like, you call them terrible names and fight back! I'm sick of it!

Kendall: Then stop fighting!

Ali: You! 'Cause your the one who starts them! And you don't finish them and you leave!

Kendall: Actually your the one who does.

Katie: Stop fighting! After a while, it just gets annoying and pointless *leaves*

*Ali's POV*

Update on Katie. She's now secretly dating Jackson, and she still needs to break up with Logan. It's pretty messed up. No, correction, VERY messed up


Ali: This is officially sad! We drove a friend away!

Kendall: It's your fault! She's your friend!

Ali: She's pretty much yours too! She lives here! I hate this...

Kendall: You hate me! You hate every single thing!

Ali: I hate when your an ass for no reason. You hate me.

Kendall: No I don't!

Ali: Then why do you constantly piss me off by just insulting me!? How do you think I feel?

Kendall: You've said some pretty bad shit to me too. Go meet my mom and dad. I had a horrible life.

Ali: HAD is past tense. I have a horrible life! Dancing and Katie ar ethe only things that have kept me alive! I'm surprised I haven't killed myself yet! My parents ignore me! My sister is MIA! You're a jackass! It's summer and I'm stuck here!

Kendall: Then why don't you go do it!? If you want advice I'll give it to you. I must've tried every thing in the book! Sit down and tell me which route you wanna take!

Ali: The route I wanna take is to have at least one person that actually cares about me! Katie doesn't count either! All I have right now is you - who hates me! But since I can't get MY route, we could go with yours - dead.

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