Over a Computer?

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*Ali's POV on the situation*

I know I can overreact sometimes. I may be a 'Drama Queen'. But I never thought of having a brother. And my defense right now is hate.

No, he didn't do anything wrong. I'm just not used to him being here. As for the other guys (Logan, James, and Carlos) it's all good. Anyway, he was just sitting there, and i needed the home computer because my laptop broke.


Ali: If you wanna have children, i suggest getting off. Have them with Katie, whateves, just don't bother me.

Katie: What? I'll be having them with Logan - uh - I - I mean what? Oh...

Ali: Haha! Seriously, Kendall, get off the computer.

Kendall: What the hell just happened? Katie, you want Logan?

Katie: Uh... DON'T TELL HIM!!

Ali: Seriously! Stop worrying about who Katie wants to be her baby daddy, and GET OFF THE COMPUTER. *looks to Katie* too far?

Katie: Lil bit.

Ali: Okay...not taking it back. Isn't that right Kendall?

Katie: Lil asshole (jokingly)

*Ali's POV*

So I know I sound a little....stupid right now. But I still don't know what to make of this whole situation. And sometimes I take things a little too far...So far it sounds just ridiculous sometimes....


Kendall: ha, she's funny. (referencing Katie)

Ali: Who? Me? I'm not supposed to be funny.

Kendall: I'm talking about Katie.

Ali: Well then. Please go, and just handle this like a civilized human being.

Kendall: I am being civilized. Check yourself little girl. I'm in charge of you right now, watch what you say. So I suggest you stop talking.

Ali: Make me!

Kendall: Katie, shut her up. I'm busy.

Katie: Can't, that would be taking a sledge-hammer to rue number 16 of  the girl code.

Ali: You would know about stuff like this if you had any friends

Katie: Ooooh burn!

Kendall: Logan, and the rest of he guys and I have the Rule of Dibs. Logan called dibs on Katie.

Ali: But that's different. And - awwww!! That's so cute, he called dibs on her! But seriously it's just so different than what I'm talking about, it's wrong.

Katie: Omg! This is so awesome!! I mean...cool. Just...cool.

Kendall: Okay..?


Author's Note: Okay, be honest in what you think :) and I'm splitting this into a two part chapter.


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