Already Forgotten

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THIS IS YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT - if you celebrate - :P  I was gonna start working on this earlier, but I got really sick and completely ignored my laptop for days. And I have a lot of work to do with all the school I missed. So here it is :P



Cody Simpson was standing in front of me. Surprised? Yes. Slightly mortified? Yes. It's not everyday your brother gets you an Ausralian singer boy as a "present". Anyway, I pulled Kendall aside for a second.


Ali: Ya know, a normal brother would say they have a present and it would be a purse not a person.

Kendall: So you want him to go home?

Ali: Are you crazy? Hell no. *walks back out*

Katie: *comes out* Oh my god....Well....I have to go meet Jackson. Bye. *fangirling as she walks out the door.

*Ali's POV*

Jackson Guthy. She started hanging out with  him after the Better With U Tour. And she's still dating Logan. After that kiss, everything elevated - no pun intended. And of course she met Jackson through Kendall and Logan. But I have this weird feeling that something is gonna happen. And I don't know wether it's good or bad. Anyway, when she left, that left me alone with Cody - MWAHAHA - no.


Ali: *trying to make small talk* So, anything new with you?

Cody: You. *kisses her* I know we just met, but it feels like I've known you for a thousand years.

Ali: Wow, I don't know what to say to that...

Cody: Nothing. *Kisses again* Can I tell you something you promise not to tell anybody else?

Ali: Sure.

Cody: Jackson really likes Katie.

Ali: If you didn't want anyone to know, why did he tell you, and then you tell me?

Cody: He told me because we're best friends. I told you because I've decided your my new girlfriend.

Ali: Oh, see, I like that last part.

Cody: You like this more though *kisses her...again*

Ali: Yes, yes I do.

Cody: What now?

Ali: Well, I have to go pick out an outfit for my dance competition. Wanna help me choose? *wink, wink*

Cody: As long as it involves your birthday suit.

(Shit goes down. Obviously. And a while later, Kendall calls for her)

Kendall: Ali!

(In Ali"s room)

Ali: Shit, get dressed. (gets dressed and runs downstairs) What do you want?

Kendall: We have to go get Katie.

Ali: Oh, okay let's go.


Jackson: *whispers to Cody* You didn't tell me she had a boyfriend!

Cody: #1 I didn't know. #2 You didn't ask.

Jackson: What am I supposed to do now?

Ali: *cuts in* You can come to the beach with us tomorrow.

Jackson: Okay, but I don't wanna be the source to break her and Logan up.

Ali: Then don't go to the beach.

Jackson: But I wanna go to the beach.

Ali: Then go! (Yells to Kendall playfully) Kendall! Your driving Jackson to the beach too!

Kendall: Alright, no need to yell I'm right here.

Ali: I got a part for BTR and Victorious.

Cody: Woohoo, my girlfriend is an actress in the making.

Katie: I got one for BTR.

Ali: I didn't tell Kendall yet though.

Katie: Niether did I.

(They get home)

Ali: So I got a part for BTR and Victorious.

Kendall: Nice! That's a lot though.

Ali: Yeah, it is a lot. Just think. Your sister may be more famous than you. (joking)

Kendall: Yeah, good luck with that.

Ali: Oh, believe me, I'll try. (kidding)

Kendall: And fail - What?

Ali: Jerk. *kendall laughs* Yeah your fucking hilarious (sarcasm)

Kendall: I Know.

Ali: Just can't let me be in the spotlight can you?

Kendall: Nope.

Ali: Then I'll have to get more roles so I can't avoid being famous.

Kendall: Hahaha

Ali: What's so funny?

Kendall: I don't know, your cute.

Ali: I'm serious!

Kendall: Yeah, okay.

Ali: You don't care do you?

Kendall: I do. I just think it's rude of you.

Ali: How?

Kendall: Your trying to take me over.

Ali: Dude, I was kidding.

Kendall: Yeah, that kidding part slips somtimes. I hate how you think your so much better than everybody. I don't know why Katie is friends with you. (leaves)





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