One Loss, One Gain

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This part only took so long because of the holiday, and I have SO much to do. But I got it done! enjoy...

(picking up from where it left off)


Kendall: I can take him, he's not that strong.

Ali: Yeah, okay.

*Ali's POV*

I decided to break up with him over text.  Not a bad idea because I don't feel like dealing with his stellar atitude.


- texting between Jeff and Ali -

Ali: It's over, I'm done. I don't know how else to say it.

Jeff: What?

Ali: I hate that you want sex all the time - seriously?! Why can't  you just be happy with me?

Jeff: Cuz your a stupid ass bitch. I only 'dated' you for that.

(end of texting. Kendall sees)

Kendall: Woah! That's it - I'm going over there.

Ali: Why? I can take this. I don't really care.

Kendall: But I do. Lets go. (grabs his keys and gets iinto the car)

Ali: Do you realize how stupid this is? Your just gonnago kick his ass for no reason. This is so 1960's "The Outsiders".

Kendall: I could care less. This little punk shouldn't be talking to you like that.

Ali: Technically it's not's texting.

*Ali's POV*

When we got to Jeff's house, he was outside throwing around a football with one of his idiot friends. Now, I don't recommend using violence, but when it comes to Kendall, you can't stop him. So I let it be.


Kendall: Hey, Jeff *punches him a few times* Haha, better luck next time pal.

Ali: Well that was...interesting....

Kendall: I know, he was an ass though.

Ali: I don't have anybody. And come tomorrow, when this all sets in....I'm gonna be lonely....Dammit. Now I'm starting to regret that...

Kendall: I get that but, believe me, you are sooo much better without him.

Ali: I know...

Kendall: Oh, and I have a present for you inside.

 Ali: Why?

Kendall:Don't question me, just go see.

 Ali: Fine. *walksinside*

 *Ali's POV*

I walked inside, thinking it was something small. It wasn't. It was around 5"11 and has blonde hair...


???: Hey


I know it's short but  it was really hard to write since my laptop kept having issues. So I stopped it here.

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