Relationships Get Involved

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Author's Note: Okay this is picking up right where u left off in the last chapter. Keep reading and voting please! :)


Ali: Who!?

Kendall: Katie...

Ali: What?! That is beyond wrong!

Kendall: I know this!

Ali: Look at it this way - Katie is your little sisters best friend. Just associate Katie and little sister. Then you'll be okay.

Kendall: When you put it that way - nah don't like her too much anymore. Anyway, Logan and I are going to the beach tomorrow, wanna come?

Ali: Sure, can Jeff and David come too?

Kendall: Ugh...fine.

*Ali's POV*

See, the rest of the guys are here because apparently Kendall didn't wanna come alone. So that's why they keep popping up. And if you couldn't tell - Kendall doesn't exactly like Jeff too much...hhhmmmmm I wonder why?


- Next Day -

Ali: Kendall, you favorite person is here! (Jeff. and she's kidding)

Kendall: Yeah...woo...hoo. (comes downstairs) Oh, and David. You haven't annoyed me yet

Ali: Give it a few minutes, when he opens his  mouth to talk, just walk. Away.

David: Speak for yourself, Blondie.

Ali: Ya see!

Kendall: Everyone shut up, and get in the car.

*Ali's POV*

So we finally get to the beach, and Kendall thinks it would be funny to slap katie's ass and run away. She was confused - and I was furious.


Ali: (finds Kendall) You idiot!

Katie: What was that?! I have my BOYFRIEND here! (walks off)

Ali: Seriously? What the hell?!

Kendall:  I'm sorry! It won't happen again, I promise.

Ali: Better not! Cuz there are SO many things wrong with doing that!

Kendall: Okay, okay. (goes with Logan)

Ali: (goes to Katie) It's all taken care of....I hope.

Katie: Okay, good. Hey, wanna go boy watching?

Ali: Our BOYfriends are with us.

Katie: (whispers) But I want Logan. (they walk over to see Logan) Ew! It's Mia!

*Ali's POV*

Mia is kind of Logans long time best friend. Katie isn't fond of her. And ever since Logan and Katie became somewhat of friends - Mia doesn't like Katie either. I don't have a problem with her, but since Katie does...well I have to, too.


 Ali: Just go over there, and hold your head high.

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