Gone and Back

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Author's Note: Okay this is chapter 3, It's not gonna be a 2 parter, don't worry! :)


*Ali's POV*

Katelyn and Kendall broke up after a few days - no surprise there.

Now Kendall and I were fighting about something INSANELY stupid. Like, so stupid, I'm just gonna leave it to your imagination what happened. So I'm just gonna pick up from when it's almost over.


Ali: Now your laughing! This isn't funny!

Kendall: Oh it's funny!

Ali: Just shut the hell up! I can't deal with you right now.

Kendall: Fine then. (leaves)

Alil: Where could he possibly be going? We're in CT.

Kaite: I don't know. Text him.

Ali: Ugh...fine.

*Ali texting Kendall*

Ali: Where are u goin? Your actual home is all the way across the country.

Kendall: Yeah, that's where I'm going.

Ali: Why? My parents are gone for another week or two. They'll flip when they find out you left. I'm not gonna tell them but...they'll find out.

Kendall: I don't really care.

*Talking with Katie*

Ali: So he's going back home...he's leaving us here alone....and all fucks have been lost.

Katie: Bitch please, he doesn't have the balls to leave. Haven't you noticed?

Ali: Noticed what?

Katie: That he cares too much.

Ali: Still not following....

Katie: Your such a blonde!! He cares too much to leave! So he's gonna end up just going somewhere to calm down. Ali, it's not rocket science.

Ali: Okay! Okay...So what do you want me to do?

Katie: Wait...Just wait. He'll be back. I'm right you know I'm always right.

*Ali's POV*

Well yes, she is always right. About him coiming back, that is. But the reason why...Is till don't see it! Call me a dumb blonde if you want but - you wouldn't get it either!!

*5 hours later he comes back* *Katie and Ali are upstairs*


Katie: I told you he would come back! We should've made a bet! I'd be rich by now!

Ali: Are you finished gloating?

Katie: Not yet - I TOLD YOU SO! HA - HAHA - NA NA - NA - NA NA - HA - HAHA!!

Ali: Okay, you were right! Happy? I never said you were wrong in the first place....

Katie: I know, it's just nice to be right. Now go downstairs and talk to him.

Ali: Do I have to?

katie: Yes, unless you want me to do if for you?

Ali: Yes that would be nice.

*Ali's POV*

I honestly thought I could get out of it easy. But there's a reason why katie's and my friendship works - because she's always right and I'm the dumb blonde. Ann thinking I'll get out of it easy - was wrong. Like always.


(They get downstairs)

Ali: Hey... (to Katie) Not much else to say....

Katie: (really fast) Hey, Ali's sorry, and she loves you cuz your her brother and ha, so do I.

Ali: You suck at helping cuz I never said that! That's it, your done. (Katie leaves) I thought you said you were going back home.

Kendall: I know. But I decided to come back because it's really stupid to just give up, after a week.

Ali: Dammit! She was right!

Kendall: Who?

Ali: Nothing, nevermind. Why were you gonna leave anyway?

Kendall: Because I kinda got tired of this 'constant fighting' thing we have going on. And I'm kinda getting the sense that you don't want me here, and you hate me.

*Ali's POV*

Was I giving off that vibe of hatred? Now that I think about it....yeah. See now I feel bad!!! Well...I kinda feel bad. What am I supposed to say now? This is...this is just bad, stupid, annoying - I could go on forever, it's anything but good.

See....I'm not one to show too much emotion to someone I just met 2 months ago. So I'm just gonna take this lightly.


Ali: Kendall, can you tell m e something?

Kendall: What?

Ali: Did I ever say that I hated you? No. So don't assume shit.

Kendall: I'm not assuming anything. That's just the feeling I'm getting.

Ali: Okay then...we're not getting anywhere with this.

Kendall: We will get somewhere. By you giving me an explanation for why your acting like this. Because I know for a fact that your not always this....brutal.

Ali: Fine! You want an explanation? Here it is. Everything happened so fast! One minute it's just Katie and me here and then you walk through the door, and your being introduced as my brother! And now....I don't exactly know how to take that...

Kendall: See, that makes more sense than you acting like a bitch for no reason.

Ali: Oh so now you think I'm a bitch? (not exactly angry. sorta joking)

Kendall: Haha no, from the way your parents talked about you, your pretty talented though.

Ali: Oh, okay.

Kendall: Anyway, can we keep the fighting to a minimun from now on?

Ali: Maybe...

Kendall: No, we will. Now go to bed, it's late.

Ali: I'm 13 not 5.

Kendall: And I'm 22 what's your point? (kidding)

Ali: Fine, I'll go.


Author's note: If you don't really like it now, I promise you it gets more interesting in the next few chapter. My friend Katie and I have been working on this since June, so we put a lot of work into it. And we are still writing it.


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