Over Computer? Pt. 2

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Authors Note: Okay this is part 2. I really want people to read this, so tell everybody! :P And this is continuing from the forst part of the chapter. So if you forgot just go back and read a little bit


Ali: (really pissed) Listen you - (Logan walks in) What are you doing here..?

Logan: I came to get Kendall so we could go shopping. You girls wanna come?

Katie: OMG he's here!

Ali: (ignoring Katie) It might be best of Knedall ddn't come, he says he's really busy and he isn't in a good mood. (trying to leave Kendall out.)

Logan:  Oh, okay, let's go. (whispers to Ali) How do I get Katie?

Ali: Ya dont gotta do much.

Logan: (turns to Kendall) You sure you don't wanna come?

Ali:(Long pause)  I'll take that as a no. He's been a jerk all day, I don't want hin ruining my fun like he has my life by now.

*Ali's POV*

Don't ask me where i got the 'ruining my life' part.  I just don't like him, and I NEVER wanted a brother. So therefore, he is not welcome.


Kendall: Ha!

Ali: What? You think it's funny I'm even more miserable now that your here?

Kendall: You'll get used to it.

Logan: Let's go Ali.

Ali: Not until I get an answer of why he's been a bitch!

Logan: Ali!

Ali: What?! You can't possibly think it's okay for him to just come into my life, and screw everything up!

Logan: (giving up) Come on, please?

Ali: Fine, let's go - WITHOUT HIM.

Logan: Yeah...

*When they get back, Kendall is just casually on the couch in the living room. Logan kisses Katie*

Ali: Awww - now take it downstairs. Now I need a boyfriend.....

*Ali's POV*

James and I have been talking a lot. And I know I'm 15 and he's like....22 but I don't care. We can go out...right?


Ali: (gets a text from James, asking her out) Hell yeah! (turns around and sees Kendall) Try to get a girlfriend that easy!

Kendall: Actually I was just talking to Katelyn (door opens and she walks in) right on time.  You, go out with me.

Katelyn: Sure!

Kendall: You can leave now. (she leaves)

Ali: (surprised) You little son of a bitch. And why do people just keep walking into my house! My parents aren't here, but that doesn't mean they can just walk in on my personal space!

Kendall: Bitch, it's my house too now.

Ali: No it's not! My parents are coming back and your gonna have to leave! That means if I don't like people just waltzing in, then the least you could do is lock the door!

Kendall: But they're famous people.

Ali: So? If I'm related to you then I'm pretty damn sure I can see most of them whenever I want. And I don't like to keep the door wide open, where a rapist can just walk right in!

Kendall: Okay, fine. (gets up and locks the door.)

Ali: Thank you. Was that so hard?

Kendall: No, and I'm sorry.

Ali: (not getting it) Why? You locked a door...?

Kendall: About earier. I admit, I wasn't being the nicest person you could've hoped for. But I'm not used to being the oldest so...there.

Ali: Okay. And it's not like it wasn't both of us.

Kendall: Yeah.


Authors Note: That's the end of chapter 1. Chapter 2 will be up as soon as i feel like getting it out there.

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