Went to the Beach and Broke a few laws today, How About You?

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Hey! So glad to see so many people reading this now! And the votes, and fans - WOOHOO! Kepp 'em coming guys! And we only have a few chapteres left of this book. But dont worry cuz then we move onto...BOOK 2!!

oH, and it may get harder to update on time cuz i auditioned for a show, so with rehersals 4 days a week, it may be tuff.

LOL I dont even know if i got in yet! :P




*Ali's POV*

         After he stormed out I decided to let it be. He does this all the time, it's nothing new. I carried on until the next day when we needed a ride to the beach.


Katie: And how do you suppose we get there now that you've literally driven him away.

Ali: Excuse me, it wasn't my fault okay! And don't you have your learner's permit?

Katie: But I can't drive unless I have an adult in the car.

Ali: And since when do I abide by the laws?

Katie: Since always! I don't feel like being arrested at 16! Nope, not gonna do it!

Ali: So you wanna make Cody and Jackson walk 8 miles to the beach? Ehem...I DON'T THINK SO.

Katie: I don't think a police record looks good a college application - sorry!

Ali: Come on, we all know that CT police aren't always around. That explains the numerous accidents we've almost been in.

Katie: You do realize what you just said right?

Ali: Yeah, something about getting into a car accident. But we can trust you! One last time...please?

Katie: Ugh...fine. But if we get pulled over, you're going to juvie. Not me.

Ali: Surprisingly, I can take that.

Katie: Let's go pick them up.

*At the beach with Katie and Jackson*

Katie: Come on Jackson, Ali and Cody are already in the water!

Jackson: Well...I need to talk to you actually.

Katie: About what?

Jackson:To be honest...I love you.

 Katie: I have a boyfriend though. Logan. You know this.

Jackson: Yeah...and I Know what I feel. *kisses her powerfully*

 Katie: What are you doing?!

Jackson: Um, I think your smart enough to see what just went on here...

Katie: Yeah, I kinda got that. But why?!

Jackson: I already told you! Now don't make me - *she cuts him off with another kiss*

Katie: *whispers* Show me. Show me how much you love me.

*Ali's POV*

I didn't bring Jackson here to help break up Katie and Logan if that's what your thnking. Just the fact that she cheated on him is making me sick. Anyway, while Katie's love affair was going on inside the mini van - yes my mom left us the van - Cody and I were actually on the beach.


Cody: So why did Katie drve us if she only has her permit?

Ali: Because. Kendall had a bitch fit and left. With the only 'cool' car that was here in the first place.

 Cody: What did you do? *playfully*

Ali: Nothing! We were talking, not being serious about what we were saying, and he took it way out of hand. I just think he needs to grow up.

Coday: Don't get mad at me but - so do you. You just need to learn what to stay away from so this doesn't happen. Because I don't wanna see your ass carted off to jail for driving illegally, cuz you and Kendall fought. And we were left without a ride.

Ali: We didn't fight! He just yelled and left.

Cody: Okay, but when he gets back stay away from topics that you could argue about.

Ali: We could fight over what shade of green my bathing suit is right now. I think I'd be better off not talking to him.

Cody: Your gonna talk to him anyway though. I know it.

Ali: Of course, isn't that how it works?

*Ali's POV*

After a couple more hours we headed home. And everyone in the car was praying that we didn't get pulled over. I could see Katie's knuckles turning white as she gripped onto the steering wheel. Nervous much? While we were driving we saw a police car drive by, and everyone in the car almost died of a heart attack.


Katie: Ali...we made it home without being arrested!

Ali: I know! *they go inside*

Katie: He's still not back yet....

Ali: Pppsssshhhhttttt, do you think I care? I lived almost 15 years without him...I think I can stand one night.





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