Chaapter 21

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I woke up to a cold sweat caressing my forehead. My palm were clammy and my breaths were fast and short. I look up to see the bench where Octavia was laying empty, the room was silent, nobody was around. I can hear the banging of people working outside.
I just sit here in the silence, not moving just thinking, head in my hands. It's funny isn't it, how the absence of someone can really affect a person. How when your surrounded by people, you still feel alone, the face of that one person that you just can't get off your mind. Yeah sure I have my sister back, and God knows I'm great full, I love her to bits, she's been my life since she was born, I would be long gone if it wasn't for her, but I can't get that stupid, stubborn, pain in the ass, beautiful , strong and all round astoundingly amazing blonde out of my head. I've never felt this way about anyone, I've been with so many girls in the past, using them just to escape from my stupid little life, to get away from all the crazy, but the crazy thing is I haven't been using Clarke, Clark is part of my life. Her and Octavia make my life feel bearable, make the monster hide away in fear. It's strange how one person out of the many can make you feel this way, can make you feel out of place and isolated just without their presence. Well that's how I feel, I can't think straight with all these abnormal emotions swirling through my brain. I shake my head, stand up and leave the room, trying to hide the emotions that I am feeling, not allowing anyone to see them.

I can see the entrance for the reapers tunnels, I've been walking non stop, not thinking of anything, walking in a daze, trying to avoid my thoughts, not letting them enter mind because I know if they do I will bottle it, my plan will be ruined because I will end up turning around and going back to camp, back to the people I care about , maybe even love. I can't let that happen. I need to get into that mountain. I know the likelihood of me surviving this journey is slim to none, but I need to get my people out of there. Once I free them I'm most likely to get a bullet through the head but it will be worth it. I'm not leaving anyone behind that needs me. Everyone has somebody apart from me, well I have Bellamy but he'll get over me, sure it might hurt for a little bit but he'll heel, he has octavia and he'll probably end up with someone like raven. I'm now approaching the dark tunnels, the eerie silence haunting my memories. I stop in front of the entrance just staring into the darkness, looking ahead into what could be lurking in the shadows waiting to swoop on me like a hawk swoops onto a field mouse. Well let me tell you I'm no field mouse, I'm a fricking bear and I'm not easily gonna roll over and die. I uncover my sword and hold it in front of me, readying myself for a fight if needed. I need to get myself captured by one of these reapers but I have to make it look like I put up a fight. I must have been walking for a good half hour before I run into trouble. The thumping of multiple footsteps echoing on the cave walls. A group of five or six reapers round the corner with four prisoners binded by the hands with rope. Two of the reapers charge for me knifes pointing. One lunges at me and I jump out the way while the other one try's to slash me with their knife. I block the knife with my sword and punch one of them in the face. My feet are kicked from beneath me and I fall to the ground with a thud, perfect, my hands are bound and I'm joined to the line of fellow prisoners. After about ten minutes we are taken to a door where we are all made to get down on our knees while the mountain men retreat from it, away from safety, they inject the reapers with some red liquid and move onto us. A person in a suit walks along the line of prisoners kneeled before her. I recognise the woman as Doctor Tsing. All of the captured are registered to harvest apart from me. Once she reaches me she gives a small smirk.
"Take this one to president Wallace" she says

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