Chapter 26

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"Miss Griffen it's time to wake up" a rough voice alerts me, the thing is the owner of the voice doesn't know that I've been awake for hours to scared to fall asleep, to fall into the darkness because every time I do my mind floods with horrific images of my loved ones dying or being tortured in front of me and there's nothing I can do about it. I peel open my eyes and look at the tall man I front of me undoing my restraints. His sandy blonde hair falling into his eyes.
" where to today handsome" I say jokingly, tying to sound confident but my voice comes out ragged and scratchy due to all the screaming I have done and at the end of my sentence my little smirk leads to me having a coughing fit.
"You know I can't tell you" he says coldly, but the strange look of sympathy fills his hazel eyes, At this i smile again, of course I know where I'm going, back to my second home on a laboratory table, being tested on. My legs are too shaky to support my weight so I'm forced to be wheeled around in a chair, I hate this feeling, the feeling of being weak, incapable of doing anything, forced to stay in bed all day and stare at the ceiling. Yeah sure my body may be shutting down and not be working but my brain is still working fine, I'm not a complete goner yet. They no longer need to worry about me escaping because I know if I try my people and all the ark people are dead with just one push of a button or so they say but I don't fancy testing the theory. Even if they couldn't kill everyone at the push of a button I wouldn't be able to escape on my own anyway, I wouldn't even be able to make it across the room on my own without crumbling into a heap on the floor. As I'm being pushed through the hallways I don't look to where I'm going I just keep my eyes fixed on the floor mentally preparing myself for what's to come . After a good few minutes I look up from the ground we should be at the lab already , where am i going?, where is he taking me?, I've never been down this way before.
"Where are we going?" I ask, I can't help myself, curiosity setting in. But with no surprise the tall guard pushing me doesn't answer. We stop in front of a big metal door, the door itself rising the hairs on my arms and sending chills down my back, so whats inside?. As the guard scans his key card the lock on the door is disabled, a green light appears on the lock accompanied with a long beeping noise. He pushes to door open and wheels me into the room. The sudden stench of chemicals hits me like a brick wall, burning my nostrils but I soon adjust. My eyes scan the room horrified by the sight in front of me. It was another lab, but this one was different. Yeah it still had all the test tubes and beakers filled with different coloured concoctions but there was something else. Along one of the walls lay 6 beds in a row, side by side and in those beds lay people, moans escaping from their mouths filling the room as liquids are pumped into their bloodstreams from glass tubes, their flesh blistered and peeling from their bones, their gums raw and bleeding and their scalps patchy from hair loss. I've seen many thing in my life but one look at this sends a wave nausea through me and brings bile to my throat. I've read about conditions like these on the ark during my medical training, it could be a few things but it's obvious what it is, radiation poisoning, but why?
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" I shout to the female scientist across the room who is studying me, my blue eyes spitting oceanic rage.
"You can save them miss Griffen, you can save everybody, all you have to do is tell, tell us how to duplicate your bone marrow and nobody dies."

I'm getting Clarke out of that mountain, I have to, but how?. The twigs beneath my feet snap and the trees around me seem like a blur, my mind only focused on a certain blonde. That's when I stop. Where the hell am I?. It was stupid of me to go running onto the wood without looking where I was actually going, I was so focused that I didn't actually take note of where Im headed. That when I hear it, the faint snap of a twig and the rustle of leaves from the forest floor, alerting a red warning light in my head, I instantly grab my knife from my belt and turn around prepared for an attack, but I'm only greeted by a girl, raven.
"What are you doing here raven?"
"I'm here for the same reason as you are, I'm hear to help you get Clarke back" she says in reply, cockiness filling her voice
"I though you hated Clarke?" I ask curiously. After Finn , Clarke and raven haven't been on the greatest of terms.
"I do, but she doesn't deserve what's happening to her"
"Go back raven" i tell her
"No!" She snaps back at me
"Fine!, just don't get in my way" and with that I'm off, stomping through the woods again, determination setting in. We walk in silence the only sound between us was our breathing and the sound our feet were making in the dense forest floor
"Where are we going?" Raven asks interrupting the silence
"We're going to the grounders"

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