Chapter 5

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When we got back to camp we knew it was to late, Abbie was dead. Clarke had arrived a couple of minuets before us as me and o having fallen  behind. I need to find Clarke. I entered the drop ship looking around expectantly to see Clarke there mourning, slumped over her dead mothers body, but i was wrong, she wasn't. I left the drop ship wild eyes scanning the camp before me in search for the small blonde and that's when I heard her.  People had gathered round the small tent , Abbie's tent. the sound of flying objects and broken items ringing from within.  storming over, few eyes catch sight of me with a look of sorrow, but most stay focused on the commotion in front of them, whispering about how she must have finally lost it which makes my blood boil. 
"Shows over, go back to what you were doing" I bellow the harsh tone emitting across the crowd.    opening the flap to the tent, discarded bits of furniture litter the floor, paper and broken glass scattered and in the middle of it a shaking girl was throwing a ceramic jug hard against the floor, it shattering into tiny fragments. I  wrapped my arms around her waist like a tight vice to stop her from damaging anything else or herself. blood was dripping down her arms and staining the hem of her t-shirt.   It was obvious she had popped the stitches in her hand, that and god knows how many shards of blood causing her blood to flow.  as soon as my arms were around her she collapsed, my strength the only thing holding her up from collapsing into a heap on the ground.  she lent into me as I held her tighter against my body.  not wanting to let her go. We stayed there, un-moving, Clarke leaning into me letting the last of her tears fall down her already tear stained face and me clinging onto her as if my life depended on it.
"Thank you" she said finally breaking the silence. spinning around and looking into my eyes, small flutters jumping in my stomach, fire in my fingertips.  Whats wrong with me?
"What for princess?" she cringes at the nickname.  
" just for being there for me" she says so innocently, her hands fisting the front of my t shirt and mine holding onto her elbows, rubbing small soothing circles.  
"anytime".   Then she closes the gap reaching up onto her tiptoes placing a soft kiss on my cheek, she lingered for a second longer and next thing i know her soft lips are on mine. shocked i just stand there, but before I know what Im doing Im kissing her back. it starts of soft, slow even, running my tongue along her bottom lip, she willingly lets me in our tongues tangling together.   I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her in tighter so her chest was flush with mine, and in return she wrapped hers around my neck. She was the key unlocking me, opening the cage that had been so well built She was letting me feel, letting me care, feel free.   All my feeling that I had for Clarke that I didn't even know I had were being released and i sure as hell wasn't gonna be able to get them back.  

I didn't know what I was doing but it felt so right. I don't know what possessed me to kiss him but it was just this urge telling me to do it. In that moment I had forgotten everything. Finn , my mum all the pain that o had experienced over the past two days was gone. I had no worries, I wasn't worried about what Raven was going to do to me when she saw me, I wasn't worried about anything. All my concentration focusing on one thing and one thing only. Bellamy. his arms around me, his hand on me, all brown curls, freckles and grins.   He was my escape, my little piece of heaven.

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