Chapter 25

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"WE NEED TO SAVE HER!" I shout and slam my hand down ignoring the stinging sensation due to the contact of my hand hitting of a table a table top.
"Bellamy calm down, I hate this as much as you but we need to think what is best for the entire camp" Cain says while throwing a look at me, of course I ignore it.
"Calm down, how am I meant to calm down when she's in that goddamn mountain, dying for us, getting his insides drilled out of her, What's best for the camp what about what's best for her? " I shout still not calming down, my rage never ceasing. How can these idiots be so calm when Clarkes is there dying, being tortured and being tested on. She didn't tell me what was going to happen to her, but it was obvious especially after the stories jasper told me. I slide my hand into my pocket and pull out the letter that I hold so close and Clarkes watch. Looking down at the clocks face I run my thumb over the scratched face, the cool temperature of the metal seeping into my hand, it's strange to think that only 24 hours ago this watch was at home on clarkes wrist, where it belonged, her warmth heating up the cold metal. Now it was nothing but a reminder of the girl I love, all the pain that she has gone through, once it's home was clarkes dad but after he had been floated for his crimes it was passed down to Clarke and now me, it didn't belong with me, I had to get it back home to the girl it belongs with, back home to the girl I belong with.
"I say we leave her there" a female voice rings out in the tent, everybody turns to face the source, I snap my head to look at who the voice belongs to, but I don't need to I know exactly who it belongs to. Octavia. If looks could kill she would be dead ten times over.
"Why would you say that o?" I whisper disappointment and shock flooding into my voice.
"She betrayed us, she became the grounder leader. "
"Do you even remember why she left in the first place?" I ask
"You shouted at her and she ran of crying like a five year old" she snickers.
" Yeah octavia I did shout at her but do you remember why I was shouting at her. It was because you got yourself injured, not that I knew that at the time, she was just taking the fall for you, I hated her for getting you hurt when the whole time it was your own fault. Did she ever tell you how she became leader? , no, well after she left crying that day, she got taken by the grounders and tourtured, she had to kill Indra to escape. Thats when she made the decision to stay there, she thought she had nobody, and in her darkest moment, she turned to the grounders, not her friends. "
"I didn't know that bell, but it doesn't change the fact that I still think we should leave her there. They've taken her life in exchange for ours, we should be happy that she finally made the right decision for once."
" I cant believe you octavia,people care about her, people look up to her"
"Well maybe they shouldn't , she's never done anything for this camp except prance around like she owned the place, all she brought us was trouble"
"You can't be serious, Clarke was the one to hold this camp together for God knows how long, think o, who was the one to jump into that van to save you when it was about to fall of the cliff, saving you from death and risking her own life in the process, who was the one to help all the injured when we came down to earth, who was the one to kill the guy she loved to save the camp, Clarke. She's done a hell of a lot more than any of us especially you, she's not been running around with her grounder boyfriend and playing with swords, she's actually been doing stuff that makes a difference, saves lives. And you stand here and tell us all that's not enough?. "
"Do you know what bell, say whatever you need to, to convince yourself that her life is actually worth saving and it's not just because you love her"
"Well, I do love her octavia and her life is worth saving, she deserves a hell of a lot more than us standing around deciding her fate, so if any of you aren't gonna do anything to save her then I am, with your help or not!" I shout , then storm out the tent. I cant believe octavia, I love her, more than anything in the world, more than life itself, she's my sister but for gods sake she's turning out to be a right spoilt brat. How could she say that after all Clarkes done for her and for the camp. Along as those monsters are still in that mountain, I know clarkes alive. I'm getting my queen out of the mountain with or without them.

I don't know what day it is or what time it is, I've been floating in and out of consciousness for God knows how long. The last thing I remember is lying on the cold hard metal table, my body tied down by restraints, bright lights blinding me, my nostrils filled with the smell of coppery blood. I open my eyes, the slightest of movement hurting, I'm surprised to see that I'm no longer in the lab. I try to sit up but collapse back onto the bed, pain shooting through my whole body, a buzzing sensation deep down in my bones. I don't try again, it's not like I've got anywhere to go. Looking to the side I see a painting, one by an artist called Vincent Van Gogh. I learnt about him in my art classes on the ark, my favourite class, the one I held so dearly. It was a time where I could loose myself without the stresses of parents and patients and the hospital, somewhere where I could get lost in the colours and just be happy. My mind is filled with happy memories of drawing and painting and swirls of colours when I loose consciousness again, but this time I'm not terrified the darkness that will overcome me, this time I'm welcoming it.

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