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King Junghyun and Queen Jina were the rulers of Utopia. They were selfish , arrogant and power greedy. Their ego mattered to them alot.

They had two children. The elder one was Jeon Jungho. Both Junghyun and Jina loved him alot. They used to spoil him , listen to him , do everything which he said whereas the younger child Jeon Jungkook was given all the hate.

They used to beat him mercilessly. He was not given food if he did not do what he said. He was never appreciated for his work even if he did it much better than Jungho. He was treated like a slave.

Right now Jungkook was being beaten by his brother with a rod whereas his parents were just watching him doing this. "You are nothing but a useless piece of shit" he said as he threw the rod on the ground. Jungkook well he was not able to take this anymore. He started coughing loudly while spitting blood. Jungho went away from there not even sparing him a glance. His parents also went away after him like a dog going behind him wagging its tail. tsk .

Jungkook just sat there breathing heavily. Just after a few seconds his guards aka his best friends Park Jimin and Min Yoongi came. They helped him lay on his bead and started treating him.

"You know koo, you should start standing for yourself and if i were you i would have broken their teeth" grumbled Yoongi. Jinin just slapped his chest. "Shut up! but koo why don't you run away from here, for your safety or you do have powers why don't you use it and burn them with fire?" said jimin.

Jungkook just sighed " You know, I have nature's gem doesn't mean I could use it anywhere and I have promised to mother nature that I will not use it unless it is important-" he said but was cut by Yoongi.

"but it IS important! Don't you think you have to save your life? don't you think you should live for yourself ?! huh. why can't you understand that living a life is not getting beaten everyday or to be treated as a slave. You have to stand for yourself!" he  said, completely frustrated about what Jungkook was saying.

Jungkook just smiled sadly and said "maybe one day i will not be able to take it to an extent, then or maybe when someone will come to save me or when i die...it will be easier for me." "kook-" "no hyung. just leave it, you have to go otherwise they will punish you and i don't want you all to get scolded because of me. They just sighed and went away.

Mother nature ... I will not die until I complete the work assigned by you. you gave me trust and i will not break it.

he thought as he closed his eyes leaning against the window.

Somewhere in Euonia

The king and queen we sitting in the hall with a fortune teller. He was someone who said everything correct so they trusted him very much. But this time he said something which horrified both of them.

"Marry your child with your enemy's younger child"

"but why and which enemy ?"asked the queen not liking the idea of marrying her child to their enemy.

" The enemy who will spy on you within a few days"he said while closing his eyes.

"But why ?" asked the king.

" If not, your kingdom will lead to darkness. Nothing will be normal. All will die. All. and after you die the ruler of this kingdom will be cruel. No one will be as happy as before. Everything will be finished. Everything."


Hey guys

Done 2nd chapter

I know you wanna kill Jungho🔪

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