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Ok this was a serious battle and today everybody will get a surprise. A big surprise. Will it be good ? or bad ? Time will definitely tell.

Oh this game is amazing , too much fun.



"Oh Taehyung, you will regret insulting me in front of too many people," said Irene.

"What do you want now bitch" sneered Taehyung.

"Oh Taehyung baby , what I needed was before you insulted me , I needed power , I needed position , I wanted to be the supreme but THAT slut of yours married you and came in my way. I made multiple attempts to make his image down by saying things to you and how foolish of you to believe me. Some attempts went wrong as well but YOU , you didn't just insult me in front of those ten to twelve people but also threw me out of the kingdom in front of all those peasants. And you think I am going to come to you and say sorry? nah. Because I am not alone her , I am with Jungho"

Then Jungho suddenly came and told his troops to keep something in front of them. It was a big sack. He cut the rope and what they saw made them horrified.

There fell Jeon Junghyun and Jeon Junghi (Jungkook's mother and father). They were beaten badly and big wounds were visible but still they were breathing.

Jungho then said,

"Oh they? , they were the obstacle of my life , my decision. So I gave my parents some special treatment. Aren't they lovely"

Taehyung gritted his teeth.

"You will not succeed in your motto Jungho and Irene. You are just some pathetic bitches who can't even respect their own family. tsk so pathetic "

"oh-oh noo problem Taehyung but there is one more thing which is for everybody to see"

Saying this Jungho signed another group of soldiers to bring whatever was in the sack.

when the sack opened, it was

a tiger. which was unconscious


"What nonsense are you saying"

said Taehyung

"stop with your pretending not to know about Nature's Gem in Euonia"

"I am not , and I don't even believe it"

"Oh , then poor you because even if you don't believe , i definitely do and I am gonna take him or her from here in any way"

"Harm anybody and you will be dead"

Taehyung said taking is sword out

"Oh so this is how you are going ? then it's on"

The fight started. All the soldiers started fighting in the most dangerous way possible.

Taehyung was fighting with the main and powerful soldiers.

Jimin and Yoongi were also there in the fight.

Everything was going smoothly when suddenly someone shouted"STOP"


























It was Jungho.

[You thought Jungkook will be here? pffff]

Everybody turned their head towards him.

"So the great Kim Taehyung , before you further continue just look there "

He said pointing towards the direction and what Taehyung saw made him shocked and horrified.

His own parents , His friends , Jimin and Yoongi , all were tied, beaten up and bruised.

Just as Taehyung was looking there , Irene came with a sword and was about to stab Taehyung but...


Hi guys

I truly apologise for the late update and I am definitely going to make up for this. I was just messed up in school work. I know it is an excuse and I am extremely sorry for this.


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Love you guys

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