Chapter 5

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Deceit was clearly the leader, they should fear him instead...i went to say more, but a voice and footsteps where heard from the stair. They where humming, humming the same song they hummed as last night.

As the foot steps grew louder as the humming did. I was full of curiosity for this mystery man. He had never harmed me and he did calm me last night, enough to make me fall asleep right in his arms. I went to go and walk to the stair, but a hand on my upper a stopped me. I turned and faced Patton, who was holding me. He was always protective of me. As the foot steps neared the bottom step the humming stopped and it fell silent. I looked around at the others, but stopped when my eyes landed on Logan. He wasn't scared, anxious, or on guard. He looked rather calm. He noticed me staring at him and he glanced down at me. I felt Patton's grip tighten as it starts to burn and a hand layed itself on my shoulder. I looked to my side and noticed someone new.

They didn't seem to have a exact style. He was wearing black jeans with a chain hooked to the belt loops. He had black army boots on and they also had a chain on it. Looking up he had on a white and pastel orange Dino hoodie on and I saw the collar of his shirt that was black. He also looked simulator to all the others but his eyes where a bright orange. Also his nails where painted black. "Hello" he said in a soft tone, but I could hear the high pitched insanity in it. I opened my mouth to greet him back, but I closed it as I was juried back by the ferm hand grabbing my arm. I let out a grunt and the other male look up at Patton. "Be careful, they aren't as tough as you" he growled. Patton looked down at me, realizing the other was right the loosened his grip. "What are you doing down here. Your supposed to be locked up in your room!" Patton said sternly. 'Locked up in his room? ' I questioned to myself. "Why?? Is he grounded??" I ask confused which caused the new man to let put a chuckle and Logan smirks before hiding it. Patton pondered before nodding "you could say that.."

Logan had convinced Patton that the other wouldn't cause and harm or trouble. Patton seemed to trust Logan more then the others, I wonder why? I was sitting on the couch facing the strangely pastel goth boy who was seated in the arm chair. "Uhm, I'm Y/N" I nervously said. The others we're all in the kitchen, I could hear them arguing. "....Allan..." He finally broke the silence, his voice was softer then before and he sounded more saine and calm. Sorta like Logan almost. " assuming I wondered into your room last night..." I nervously asked. "Yes, you did" he answered back to me. The other got louder and louder and the fought on whether Allan should go back or if he should stay. I hated it, it scared me and brought back the memories of all the bad foster parents I had that were always yelling at someone. Maybe not me, but someone. My breathe picked up and I hadn't even I noticed Allan moved before I saw his legs, right in front of me.

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