Chapter 9

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"Would that make Patton my aunt?" I questioned which make Allan laugh and Logan..choke on air?

    After a few hours of me and Allan hanging out and watching some TV I heard Patton yell from the kitchen saying lunch was ready. I stood and made my way over to kitchen. Patton was putting some sandwiches on the table. Virgil was already seated and Roman walked in with me since he was the one watching me and Allan just now, Logan wasn't there. "Hmm, I guess Logan's in his room. Y/n, could you go get him please?" Patton asked sweetly after he finished setting out plates. I nodded and walked back out. Allan wasn't in the living room anymore so I guess he was already back upstairs.

  After walked down the hallway you finally reached a door with the name 'Logan' painted in blue. The door wasn't decorated like the other rooms. I knocked twice and heard a hum answer me. I slowly opened the door and saw Logan organizing some of his books on his shelf and some papers on his desk. "Lunch is ready" I said after he glanced at me so I knew he knew I was there. He tapped his foot on the floor and set down the books he was holding on his desk messing up some of the papers. I smiled a bit and we both walked out. Once we got to the dining room everyone was already seated and talking about whatever.

  Me and Logan sat down and I began eating. I didn't really pay attention to what they were saying. After I finished and stood and put my plate in the sink then walked back out to the living room. I frowned noticing Allan wasn't back down and decided to go see what 'the dark sides' were doing. I had noticed there seem to be a recurring thing where a light was related to a dark. Allan and Logan were brother, tho I had to admit Logan seemed more like a dark side then the others would admit, and Roman and that other guy who dressed similar were brothers. I wonder if Patton and the snake guy were related.

  As I climbed the staircase the lighted dimmed making me squint my eyes so I didn't trip on the stairs. I finally made it up into level ground and my eyes adjusted to the darkened lighting of the living room. I didn't see anyone, but with how dark it was I couldn't be completely sure no one was there. I walked over to the couch and suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I jolted at the sudden touch and doin around to be met by a not to familiar face, sure I knew him, but I didn't know him. "Oh-uh-hey..uhh.." I started, but I honestly couldn't remember his name. "Remus" he reminded you. He seemed so calm, nothing like how you'd be told he was like and how he had seemed when you first saw him.

  "And what are you doing here?" He questioned. "Well, I finished lunch, and I saw Allan wasn't back, so I came up here to see what he was doing" I answered. He hummed in response. "Uhm..why are you so..calm?" I asked. He looked at puzzled at my question. "When I was told about you and when we met you were a lot more..crazy" I said. "Oh!" He started "it's surges. I can actually cause it, as well as them randomly happening" he answered. "Ohhh" I said in response. He nodded in response to my realization. "Well what are you two talking about?" I heard a voice suddenly chim in.

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