Mind Speak

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Helia and Gillam were passing through the village of Blue Meadow looking for slaying jobs. After speaking to the mayor of the town it was apparent that all was quiet, and their services were not needed. However, the trip wasn't for naught as Blue Meadow was a well-known herbalist mecca where one could find a vast variety of different remedies, teas, and spices.

Helia wasn't sure if Sig had ever visited Blue Meadow as it was further south and west, but she had a feeling he'd love it. The air was sharp with every kind of scent as merchants called out advertising their wares to passersby. Gillam's masked face was turning in methodical passes as they took in the market.

Though it had been over a week since they had a slaying job, their funds were still stable. So Helia decided to replenish her first aid kit and perhaps add some new items if they sparked her interest.

"Are you looking to buy something?" Gillam inquired.

After peeking in her medicine bag, she nodded, "Need some more bandage, some stitching twine, burn balm, more wolfsbane, and I hope I can find someone who deals in giant spider venom. Need to trade for some anti-venom. Here." She handed him a few coins, "You go find some bandages and stitching twine. I'll get the rest. We'll meet up by that smith shop. Ok?"

The tall, disguised fae nodded, took the money, and began his search. Helia went in the opposite direction shopped for a bit, acquiring the burn balm and wolfsbane easily. The anti-venom was proving elusive. That is, until she came to a covered red cart where a rough-looking, one-armed man sat inside stroking a grizzled tom cat. When he spotted her he greeted heartily.

"Good day, milady! Name's Mortimer! What can I and General Mutton get ya today?" the merchant rasped in a gravely, smoker's voice.

Helia gave an amused look to the man and his tabby, but went to business, "You deal with giant spider venom?"

The old merchant seemed surprised but then raised his stump, "That I do. Lost me arm to those nasty buggers ages ago. I'm one of the few who still work with it to make anti-venom." He looked her over a moment, "You a slayer?"

"Yep." Helia procured a wooden box from her pouch, opened it, and pulled out a couple leathery looking bags filled with a bluish liquid, "Got some queen venom here. Would you trade it for a few vials of anti-venom?"

Mortimer's bushy gray eyebrows raised, "Queen venom, eh?" he picked up the leathery sacs which were the spider's venom glands and scrutinized them.

Then he took out what looked like a chunk of dried meat and a metal rod. He gently poked the venom sac and collected a drop of liquid on the metal stick. While he was distracted, the tom cat, General Mutton, tried to snag the piece of meat with a sneaky claw. The old man made a noise of displeasure whilst trying not to spill the drop of venom.

"Ach! You flea-bitten filcher! Wait yer turn! You know I've only got one hand!" he growled.

Typical of a cat, General Mutton didn't listen and tried to pilfer the meat again.

Mortimer shooed him away, "Git! Ya greedy bugger! Next time I'm using you to test this."

With a quick touch, he put the drop of venom on the piece of dried meat. It smoked faintly and in seconds melted down into a smelly pile on the wood plank. Giant spider venom only melted flesh and organs, liquefying them for the spiders' dining pleasure. It didn't affect any other material like other acids.

Mortimer nodded at the reaction.

"Whew! That's the stuff all right." He sighed, "Problem is I only got one vial of anti-venom left."

Helia nodded, "I'll take whatever you have in stock and some of those healing poultices there for half a sac of venom."

Mortimer nodded, knowing the half a sac would make at least five good vials of anti-venom. It was a fair trade given the time it took to make one vial of anti-venom and queen venom was the most effective.

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