A Wager

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Later that evening...

Gillam landed on the branch of the tree in front of Twillow's garden house, carrying Helia. He set her down and Twillow landed beside them, carrying some more blankets.

"You don't have to do this you know." Helia protested, "We've got bed rolls and it's a nice night."

Twillow was already rushing inside to prepare a bed, "Nonsense! This is a perfect little guest house and this is the first time I get to use it for company. I'm just so happy you are going to stay!"

Gillam smiled and leaned to whisper in Helia ear, "You won't win."

Helia shrugged back, knowing it was true. Despite how sweet Twillow was, she could be tenacious as a badger.

It didn't take her long to make up the large wooden bowl bed with the added padding and blankets for her guests.

"There we go. All made up. There's a fresh pail of water in the kitchen for drinking. I have a bathing tub situated at the back. I just warmed the water. In the morning just come in and we'll make you breakfast. Ok?"

Gillam and Helia both nodded, thanking her before she hugged them and flew back into the mountain home. For a few moments, an awkward silence fell as the pair stared at the single bed. It was easily king-sized but sharing a bed was not something they had planned and neither wanted to sound ungrateful to Twillow.

"You can have the bed." Gillam offered, "I can sleep in the tree outside."

Helia shook her head with a gesture, "No. No. This is fine. We can share. It's big enough."

Gillam lowered his huge wings, folding them neatly across this back, "No. That wouldn't be proper. You have it."

Helia pointed firmly. "You're not sleeping outside. That wouldn't be proper. We're sharing the damn bed."

The tall fae nodded, unable to argue. (Secretly he felt grateful...and nervous.)

Helia began removing her wrist guards, "But...I'll pull woman's privilege and call the bath first."


"Well, I got them all settled." Twillow announced to Kendrick as she reentered their home.

Kendrick was sitting in his chair, just beginning to take off his boots. When Twillow landed on the table in front of him he smiled at her as he leaned back and stretched his arms.

Twillow giggled, "I think there's something going on between my brother and Helia."

Kendrick came out of his stretch with a blink. Then got an odd look on his face as he glanced back toward the back doorway.


She nodded.

The giant arched a questioning brow, "How do you know that?"

"My brother is usually so aloof around women. Like he doesn't know they exist. He's being attentive to Helia. I think he really likes her." Twillow smiled.

Kendrick mused on her words until he got an alarmed look in his eyes, "But...if he...if they...gods!"

"What?" Twillow laughed.

He sighed with a disconcerted expression, "I'm not going to be overly pleased if your brother makes me related to Slayer."

A giggle came out of Twillow, "I'm sure you'll be fine."

He blew some air through his lips, uncertain of that assertion. There was a pause between them until Twillow decided to ask something she'd been meaning to ask for a while.

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