Hunting the Demon pt 1

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A/N: Just a WARNING...this chapter will contain mentions and attempts of rape. You have been warned.

Several blocks away...

"Come to me, my beautiful Mila. Come to me." The man's pleasant voice filled Mila's head.

His voice felt as if it was filling her, warming her, comforting her, calling her. She felt lighter than a cloud as she walked barefoot down the street. Mila wasn't even sure where she was or where she was going, all she knew was she was walking toward that handsome voice. She had to...there was nothing but the voice.

Time suspended. It could've been seconds...minutes...hours...she didn't know. His voice grew louder, more enticing. She could feel a tingling warmth filling her chest and nether regions.

"Yes, Mila...come to me, Mila." The voice crooned beautifully.

Mila entered through a doorway. She had no idea where it was and she didn't care. At first everything inside was dark but then a warm golden glow lit up the room to splendor. A garden of silky red pillows covered the floor surrounding an island of a bed with a lavish silk canopy. Settled amid the golden silk sheets was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. He was perfection: every bronze-colored muscle was clearly defined on his powerful form, his eyes were the brightest green, and his long hair was jet black. A white smile split his masculine features as he beckoned to her.

"Come here, Mila. I need you."

She obeyed immediately, treading across the pillows until she was next to the expansive bed. His hand extended out to her, green eyes alight with joy. Mila took his hand and he gently guided her on the bed beside him. She didn't know who he was, but she didn't care. All she seemed to know was she belonged to him and she must obey him.

He put a hand next to her face, stroking her cheek. Slowly, his large hand moved down and encompassed her throat. Mila shivered, not resisting. He paused for several seconds and then looked her in the eyes.

"Kiss me, Mila." He commanded.

She didn't protest as she rose up to kiss him. Their lips met; fire burned through her. It was nothing but bliss. Mila began to feel weaker, to the point she needed to slump. Despite her euphoria, she suddenly felt like she wasn't herself, like she was breaking apart into a million little pieces. The weakness was overwhelming.

"You are mine. You belong to me now." His voice filled her senses until all went red.


Jaalith held his mouth to the young woman's, drawing in her sexual energy, draining her soul of its vitality. His black wings curled in, encompassing them both in a cocoon of darkness until he finished with her. The woman's body disintegrated until it was nothing but a single ball of light. His clawed hand guided the light until he pressed it into the underside of his jaw. Jaalith hissed pleasurably as the light disappeared into his mark, binding the woman's soul to him.

She was the sixteenth one he had taken since breaking free of that accursed orb. But...she was one of thousands he kept.

Jaalith was a demon incubus, a child of Lilith, young by demon standards but vastly powerful. Out of his realm he stood over nine feet tall, was built with taut muscle under golden skin. His eyes glowed as whitish yellow candles amid an inky black pool and his black hair was long and silky. Elegant, bent horns with a ridged texture grew from over his eyes to swoop back behind his head as a crown. His ears were sharp points and a long, prehensile tail flicked behind him. Behind dark lips sharp fangs glistened and wings as black as the endless universe sprouted from his muscular back. He was indeed a beautiful demon. He needed to be to gain his power.

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