Collecting a Bounty

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A/N: Ok now I'll be jumping over to Helia and Gillam as they set out on their slaying adventures. I'll probably bounce back and forth from their adventures to Kendrick/Twillow.

A week after returning to the Lower Realm...

Helia stopped her horse when she spotted the torchlight of the town of Deer Run ahead. Gillam, who flew most of the way but was now walking beside her, stopped as well.

"Alright. I've got to collect the bounty for these spiders I killed a few weeks ago. Probably be best if you just hang out here. Humans in this realm haven't seen a fae before and things could get dicey if they see you." She stated.

"Collecting a bounty is part of this trade, yes?"

"Well...sure. I don't risk my neck for free."

"Then I should accompany you and see how this is done." The tall fae insisted.

Helia frowned, "Uh uh. No. If they figure out you're a fae they could turn on us and we'd have to fight our way out. AND I'd probably never get another job here. They pay well."

Gillam closed his eyes and donned his combat mask with the menacing eye pieces. A shimmer seemed to sweep over him and the light green tone of his skin disappeared to be replaced by a more caramel tone and his bluish silver hair went blonde. He unclasped his blue cloak for a moment, folded his large wings down, and replaced the cloak to effectively hide them. Finally he pulled up his hood.

Helia stared at him thoroughly a moment. Even she couldn't tell he was a fae. He just looked the part of a big, menacing human body guard.

"Ok then... Guess you're going to learn how to collect a bounty." She conceded, "Just let me do the talking and don't do anything unless I tell you to. Got it?"

"Yes, Dyashra." Gillam nodded.

"Die- what?" Helia asked quizzically upon hearing the foreign word.

"It means 'teacher' in fae tongue." Gillam explained.

Helia made a face, "O-k. Whatever. Let's go."

Together they approached the town which had mild foot traffic; residents, merchants, and guardsman. Despite the fact that Gillam looked like a human he still seemed to be drawing attention because of his height and attire. He did look rather mysterious and formidable with the mask and blue cape about his back. Helia usually got looks too because she was dressed more like a warrior than a lady and carried a sword. But now they were a pair of oddities in an otherwise normal town, drawing double the attention.

"Slayer Helia!" a man's voice called out. "You've returned!"

Helia and Gillam turned to see an average looking man with a balding head and green vest with a deer antler insignia stitched into it approach them. Helia recognized him as one of the top guard's assistants; his name escaped her. The head guard for Deer Run was a knight named Sir Clyde; he was the one who hired Helia to eradicate the spider nest.

"Yes. I'm here to collect the bounty owed." Helia nodded.

"We-we thought you had been slain in the attempt when you didn't return for two weeks." the man seemed a bit flustered.

"I was...called away on a second job far from here. But I've circled back for the bounty. The spider nest plus the queen for one hundred fifty gold pieces." Helia replied. "I trust you have the money?"

"I shall inform Sir Clyde at once." he turned to go.

Helia caught his shoulder, "My 'assistant' and I shall go with you. Save you the trouble of finding us later."

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