Part 19

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Jimin pov

"Dinner is ready...," she said softly, placing the bowl of ramen in front of me. We were sitting at her small dining table, just two chairs. I was starving after waiting so long, and I rubbed my hands together in anticipation before bowing slightly to thank her for the meal.

"You must be really hungry," she commented, noticing how eagerly I was blowing on the hot ramen trapped between my chopsticks. I looked at her through the steam, seeing her pout with a hint of sadness, but I was genuinely famished after waiting nearly half the day.

I smiled and nodded, but her expression only grew more concerned.

"I'm sorry, Jimin," she said, resting her chin on her palm. I shook my head, placing the bowl down momentarily to swallow the noodles.

"No, Siya, it's not like that. You've had your own things to deal with. Don't apologise for this," I said, as I filled her bowl with fresh ramen. She was staring blankly, lost in thought, so I waved my hand in front of her face to snap her out of it.

Finally, she met my gaze, looking a bit dazed. I gave her a questioning look, but she just shook her head and lowered her eyes. I handed her the bowl with chopsticks, smiling brightly. She mirrored my smile and gently took the bowl from me. When her rough palms brushed against mine, it made me realise how hard she must be working just to get by on her own.

She ate quietly, carefully slurping the noodles without making a sound. We didn't speak much while eating, but I kept glancing at her, noticing how she zoned out occasionally, her mind obviously somewhere else.

What's she thinking about? 

Maybe she misses her dad? 

Maybe she just needs comfort?

I finished my ramen as she did, too. After that, she quietly washed the dishes, while I waited, watching her from my seat. Her loose white pajamas were slightly see-through, and though I'd already seen her more intimately before, the situation felt different now. Fresh emotions were surfacing in both of us, and I knew it was still too soon for her.

"Jimin?" she called, wiping her hands with a towel as she turned around. I blinked away my thoughts and nodded.

"I asked if you're not leaving," she said, sitting down across from me.


Siya pov

I felt a little uncomfortable when Jimin didn't answer me right away.

"Jimin?" I called again, taking the seat opposite him. I was exhausted from the emotionally draining day, but with him here, I couldn't just go to bed yet.

"I asked if you're not leaving?" It was the third time I'd asked him.

"Why? Are you trying to kick me out?" he asked, still not answering directly.

"No, not like that... I just thought it's already late, and you might be busy," I tried to come up with a reasonable excuse, masking my real concern.

"Yeah, you're right, but—" he started to say before his phone buzzed in his pocket. He sighed, pulling it out, and smiled when he saw the screen.

"It's Jin hyung. Want to hear some dad jokes?" he asked, not even waiting for my reply before answering the call and putting it on speaker.

"Yah, Jimin-ah, where are you at this hour?" Jin's angelic voice came through the phone, making me internally squeal—was I really hearing the world-wide handsome Kim Seokjin yell at Jimin?

"I'm somewhere... just finished eating noodles," Jimin replied, putting a finger to his lips to signal me to keep quiet.

"Noodles at this hour? And what now?" Jin asked, clearly concerned.

"Nothing, I'm just waiting for something else," Jimin said, glancing at me with a smirk, his lips curling mischievously. I knew what he meant, and it made me feel uneasy. I quickly looked away, scratching my neck to mask my uneasiness. But I could feel his eyes still on me.

"Yah!" Jin's shout startled both of us, bringing our attention back to the call.

"Ah, I... I'm just waiting for tteokbokki to arrive. After you recommended it, I had to come to this hotel to try it," Jimin explained, giving me a small smile when I glanced back at him.

"Enough with your lies! And come back on time, or else I'll kill you with my dad jokes!" Jin threatened playfully, his laugh echoing through the phone. Jimin burst out laughing, while I tried to hold back my own.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there soon," Jimin said, cutting the call with a chuckle. I couldn't help but laugh harder at Jin's playful banter. Jimin laughed along, his eyes disappearing into crescent shapes.

"Thanks, Chimmy," I said without thinking, instantly regretting it. I had only ever called him that in my head.

"Chim—uhm Jimin!" I tried to correct myself, but he was already hooked.

"Wait, what did you call me?" he asked, rubbing his temples as if trying to piece it together.

"Chimmy," I admitted sheepishly. His smile grew impossibly wide, lighting up his face.

"I love it! Just call me that, okay?" he said, clasping his hands together. I couldn't help but smile back and nod.

"Alright, I guess it's time for me to go," he said, glancing at his phone. A hint of sadness tugged at my heart, but I stood up to see him off at the door.

We walked in silence to the door, but just as I reached for the handle, Jimin suddenly turned, facing me. I blinked in surprise as he gave me a sly smile.

"Siya, remember what I told you," he said seriously, locking eyes with me. I simply nodded, unsure of how to respond. He stepped forward, pulling me into a gentle embrace, his arm wrapping around my waist. My breath hitched, and I lightly tapped his chest in shock. He patted my head affectionately, and I relaxed into his warmth, hugging him back.

"I'll visit whenever I have time. For now, sleep well," he whispered softly. His concern brought a smile to my face as I nodded against his chest.

"Okay, I'll leave now. Don't worry too much," he said, pulling away to put on his mask. I smiled as he prepared to go, touched by the care he showed for me.

"Well, you too—sleep well," I said, waving at him. After he disappeared down the stairs, I rushed to the window to watch him drive off. He looked back and waved one more time, and I waved back, feeling a sense of peace.

"He really is a source of comfort," 

I whispered to myself as I flopped onto my bed. His presence had calmed the storm inside me, but... there was still something left unresolved.

I still needed to talk to him about that night...

To be continued.

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