Chapter 8 - Origin of The Flash

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November 25 2022

I went inside the Labyrinth after Argo ordered me to. Apparently, she heard someone went in alone, with the belief that there was a secret passage that would let them out of the game prematurely.

"Dammit!" I yelled as I frustratingly dashed forward to look for the person. The thought of someone rushing in alone and dying gave me an uneasy feeling.

My sense of justice did not allow me to just stand around. This feeling drove me forward as I dashed forward.

Then, I saw it.

There was a person lying on the ground as a Kobold raised an axe over its head. However, before it could land a hit, I arrived at the last second and parried the axe away, before activating a sword skill.

The system overtook my avatar as I jumped in the air, slashing down at the Kobold, which had 34% HP as I brought it down to 0.

I looked over at the figure on the ground with their head being covered by a hood.

I was wondering what to do, but then, I realized that the temporary party inventory was basically empty. I put all of my items into it as I carried the person out of the Labyrinth.

"Hey, you rat. I know you're there! It's done." I shouted as Argo came out of the bushes.

"Yeah, thanks Kei-boy." Argo spoke.

I set the person on the ground, pulling their hood back to let the person feel the breeze and now that I had a good look at them, I noticed that this person was a girl.

"hmm, but seriously using my name to spread baseless rumours..." Argo said, pulling her hood over her head.

"Well, I kinda get it. Such a rumour would entice people to talk about it.."

Upon saying this, I climbed a nearby rock to watch over her. making sure nothing happens to her body.

There was a chance that if I left her alone, she'd be attacked by monsters or assaulted by creepy individuals. There is also a slight chance that Argo would do something absurd to this person.

Then, Argo walked towards the girl as she began to squirm and her eyelids fluttered open.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake." I said, while letting out a chuckle as Argo let out a giggle and threw a rock at me, which I caught.

"Stop it. Yo, ya alright? Here, drink this potion." Argo spoke holding out a potion towards her as the girl hesitantly took the potion and began to drink it.

Argo jumped onto the large rock and sat next to me. Then, after a moment, when she finally recovered all of her HP the girl below took a deep breath and looked at the sky.

"Ya alright, now?" Argo questioned as the girl looked up and seemed to be in deep thought. She opened her mouth to speak.

"Yeah, thank you very much... Um... Who are you...?"

"Well—" not missing the oppurtunity, Argo covered my mouth to stop me from speaking. Although I could still talk through her hands I decided to respect her decision and stopped talking.

"We're just a lovely couple. That bit of information costs 10 Cor thanks."

Argo said with a cheeky grin with her open palm in front of her, but upon this, I slapped her hand away and cut into her words.

"I'll pay for it, so you don't have to. it's only 10 Cor after all. Besides, I doubt you need such a useless piece of information since we are not a couple." I said sliding down the menu and pulling out 50 Col just in case to shut the rat up completely.

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